19. Shield

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'John... We don't want anyone else to get hurt. You gotta give me the shield man.' Sam told him as John looked up to them

'Oh... So that's what this is.' John said looking between them 'you almost got me.'

'You made a mistake.' Sam told him

'You don't wanna do this.' John told him

'Yeah we do.' Bucky told him as they charged struggling for the shield struggling for their weapons. John had fury on his side he was a new super soldier with all the strength and lack of control that came with it but they had power in years of training on their side

John threw the shield it sent Bucky colliding backwards he charged after him but Bucky held onto the shield tight

'Why are you making me do this? Why are you making me do this!' John yelled. He threw Bucky across the room before Sam came flying in Sam tried to smash the shield into him as well

'This isn't you John.' Sam said flying out of his grasp

'We could've been a team.' John told him the shield still bloodied. Sam hooked on a grappling hook to the shield as he flew trying to get away from Walker. It laid before them and they all charged but John pushed Sam to the ground. Trying to get a hold of his wings as Bucky lay barely conscious

'I am captain America.' John said through gritted teeth as he broke Sam's wings grabbing his shield he lunged towards Sam's head as Bucky came flying in pushing John off punch after punch kick after kick Sam slammed Buckys head into the shield. Back-and-forth back-and-forth screams and yells and grunts straining to hold on they pulled the shield free of his arm breaking his arm back. John screamed out in pain before standing up filled with more fury than ever

'It's mine!' John declared

'It's over John.'

'It's mine!' he declared. But Bucky got a hold of them all three of them colliding at each other before they fell to the ground Bucky crawled over to the shield kneeling before it he picked it up, slipping it on before dropping it before Sam. He didn't have to say anything he already said everything he needed to. If Sam hadn't given up the shield this wouldn't be happening blood coated the once shining shield. Sam wiped the blood it's smeared along the red.


'Sharon, bucky and sam are trying to get the shield from john but there a problem.' Karma told her.

'what problem, Karma I cant do problems right now.' Sharon begged.

'the serum, it broke in the fight,' Karma felt the sticky residue on her fingers as she pulled her hand out of her pocket. 'I'm sorry.'

'you are alright though?" Sharon questioned.

'I'm fine but the serum is gone.'

'I will figure something out.' Sharon told her.

'Bucky's coming, I gotta go.'


'You alright?" Bucky questioned and Karma nodded. 'you got some skills.' Bucky remarked as she leaned into him.

'I'm not the same girl you once knew.' Karma told him softly. 'does that scare you?'

"Scare me? Karma that was hot. Dangerous and had me worried until I saw you throw a blade across the room and nail a super soldier without even looking.'

'that was pretty bad ass.' Karma agreed. 

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now