17. Looking Strong John

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Back at the safe house Zemo lay on the couch, bucky was out and about and sam sat at his laptop typing away to Torres. Karma texted Sharon a smiley face emoji and she sent back a thumbs up. Karma paced anxiously waiting for Bucky, their time was up with Zemo but she wasn't sure they were done with him. He had been helpful getting them this far. He would be useful to have on the Power brokers team if he wasn't so anti serum. But that didn't matter now as far as anyone was concern the serum was gone.

'Were you ever offered it?' Zemo said nursing a glass of whiskey a cold towel covering his eyes.

'What?' Sam asked turning away from his laptop

'The serum.'

'No.' Sam said

'If you had been, hypothetically that is would you have taken it?' Zemo questioned.

'No.' Sam answered confidently

'No hesitation. That's impressive,' he said pulling the towel from his eyes. 'What about you my darling?" Zemo asked and Karma had to admit she liked his voice.

'I like who I am now.' Karma told him honestly.

"As do I,' Zemo told her and Karma rolled her eyes. 'Sam you can't hold out hope for Karly no matter what you saw in her,' Zemo told him. 'She's gone and we cannot allow her and her accolades to become yet another problem in this world super soldiers, they cannot be allowed to exist.'

'Isn't that how God's talk?' Sam countered 'and if that's how you feel what about Bucky?' Sam countered and Zemo tipped his head back and forth debating it. 'Blood isn't always the solution.' Sam told him as Bucky walked in, he pressed a kiss to Karma's cheek as he made his way to the kitchen and it was so natural and so right that Karma wanted this forever but she knew in the world they lived in everything was temporary.

'Somethings not right about Walker,' Bucky said

'you don't say?' Sam agreed

'Well I know crazy when I see one because I am crazy.' Bucky told him pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

'Can't argue with that.' Sam said

'You shouldn't have given him the shield,' Bucky remarked looking away from the two.

'I didn't give him the shield.' Sam argued

'Well Steve certainly didn't.' Bucky told him downing his glass as walker and Lamar came bursting in.

'All right that's it, let's go. I'm ordering you now to turn him over.' John said pointing to Zemo

'hey slow your roll let's be clear shield or no shield the only thing you're running in here is your mouth.' Karma declared and Bucky smiled over at her. there was that smart mouth he loved.

'I had Karly and you overstepped he's actually proven himself useful today and we're going to need all hands on deck for what's coming next.' Sam added

'How do you want the rest of this conversation to go Wilson?' Walker asked 'should I put down the shield? Make it fair?' John put down the shield just as a spear came flying in the room the wakandans were here.

'Ive heard about them, walker is no match for them.' Karma said as bucky pulled her back a step.

'Even if he is a means to your end,' AYO said in Wakandan 'times up.'

'Release Zemo to us now.'

'Hi John Walker. Captain America. Well let's put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through.'

'He John take it easy you might wanna fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora milaje.' Sam remarked.

'They don't have jurisdiction here.' John declared pompously.

'The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.' Ayo corrected.

'OK,' John said chuckling 'OK I think we got off on the wrong foot,' he said putting a hand on her shoulder and she attacked he went flying back. John fell to the ground picking up his shield. As the women warriors attacked Lamar and John. ZEMO stood watching as he finished his glass. Karma jaw dropped into a laugh as John was getting his ass handed to him.

'We should do some thing...' Sam remarked not moving.

'No this is better than television.' Karma declared clapping. "GO WAKANDA!" she cheered happily.

'Looking strong John!' Bucky said wrapping an arm around Karma's waist.

'Bucky...' Sam said as John panted for breath.

'Alright, alright,' bucky said moving forward. 'Ayo let's talk about this let's talk about this,' Bucky said pulling back spear Sam joined in as well but Karma stood watching them a laugh on her lips. she saw Zemo slip away he nodded to her as he disappeared into the bathroom. With a thud karma attention was back on Bucky. Suddenly Buckys arm was on the floor and karma burst out laughing

'Did you know it could do that?'

'We're not done here James,' Ayo warned as John struggled to get the spear free of his shield 'He is gone,' Ayo said 'leave it,' she motioned to the shield as Bucky picked up his arm

'Did you know they could do that?' Karma asked again as she helped him reattack his arm.

'No.' Bucky said bitterly, he spun it around locking it in place.

'They weren't even super soldiers.' John said in a haze.

'Come on,' Lamar said offering his friend a hand up.

'I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo,' Sam side looking to the secret exit underneath the bathtub.

'I can I could've told you that man was shady.' karma added 'handsome and charming men always have secrets.'

'Come on.' Bucky said leading them away. 'wait, does that mean you think I'm hiding something?" Bucky mused.

'Metal arm, winter soldier, should I go on?" Karma teased pressing a kiss to his lips. 

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now