16. Bad Idea

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'No no no this is a bad idea.' John said as they waited.

'It hasn't been 10 minutes sit tight John,' Bucky said completely bored

'Don't patronize me.'

'It hasn't been 10 minutes yet just calm down he knows what he's doing.' Bucky confirmed, Karma leaned against him as they waited his hands moving along her arms as John paced anxiously.

'I'm going in ,'John told him but Bucky stopped him 'this is all really easy for you isn't it?' John asked 'all that serum running through your veins. Barnes your partner needs back up in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?'


'This guy I know, he knows more about super soldiers than anyone else on the planet you are supremacists.' Sam told Karly.

'Me?' Karly asked 'why?'

'yeah.' Sam agreed.

'That's ridiculous everything I'm trying to do is to end supremacy these corporations. And the beasts that run them they are the supremacists!' Karly corrected

'So let me ask you are you going to increase your army?' Sam asked 'you're killing innocent people.'

'They're not innocent they are roadblocks in my journey and I'm going to kill them if I have to.' Karly informed him.

'Wow.' Sam said

'No no no I didn't mean it like that you tricked me into sounding like-'

'Like what?' Sam countered she let out a sigh

'The people I'm fighting are trying to take your home Sam,' Karly told him 'why are you here instead of stopping them?'

'Do you know my sister's waiting for the exact same answer.' Sam told her 'I'm not your enemy. I agree with your fight. I just can't get with the way you're fighting it and I'm sure she wouldn't either.' he pointed to Donya.


'Stay here.' Bucky instructed and Karma nodded as they ran off she turned to Zemo but he already had the cuffs off.

'We are not staying here.' Karma told him.

'No darling, come on, we are finding that serum.' Zemo told her and karma glanced back at the direction bucky left, serum and then bucky. She looked back to Zemo he offered her the most charming of smiles and she nodded following him.

'Karly Morgenthau you're under arrest.' John said storming in

'So this is what that was?'

'No wait,' Sam said defensively.

'Tricking me until help came?' Karly asked question incredulously

'Hold on a second,' Sam begged.

'You had enough time to talk.'

'Nazi.' Karly shouted punching John, she went running Bucky followed after her jumping and leaping off of railings. Zemo had broken out of his chains heading the opposite direction.

'I lost her,' Bucky said, his eyes searching for Karma was well but she was no where in sight either. 'IF zemo hurt karma-' bucky began.

'This place is a maze,' Sam agreed, but then he looked to bucky. 'You really like her, don't you?"

'First love out of the ice and the maze of my messed up mind. You don't just forget a woman like her.' Bucky told sam.

ZEMO and Karma found Karly a gun shot rang out and Karly ran the opposite direction, flying over a table and went flying her belt with the serum broke along the floor. Zemo looked down to see the serum laying on the floor a dozen blue vials. Karma stepped forward.

'The serum.' Her voice barely a whisper. Bingo.

'Is this what I think it is?' Zemo shot at her again and she hide behind knocked over table he picked it up examining the contents a smile across his face. 'Destroy them Karma.' Zemo instructed.

'No no!' Karly said as he smashed it down crushing vials beneath his feet as Karly got away. Karma picked one up as Zemo began smashing she shoved it in her pocket before crushing one with her heel. Then John Walker's shield came flying colliding with Zemo's head and he collapsed to the ground unconscious. Karma looked to a fallen Zemo then back up to John. But he wasn't worried about her. John looked around at the broken bottles before finding one unbroken. He hid it away in his pocket for safekeeping when Sam and Bucky and Lamar showed up. Karma watched him take the final vial, her jaw clenched.

'Karma!" Bucky exclaimed running down to her and holding her close. 'are you alright?" he ran his hands over her face and arms.

'I'm fine,' she assured her fingers grazing the vial in her pocket.

'What did we miss?' Sam asked.

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now