10. She is awful

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'Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you very well.' Sam noted

'I thought if I'm gonna hustle I might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler... you think I could afford a real Monet?' Sharon asked

'You mean you sell fake Monet?' sam countered and Sharon smirked

'No she means real,.' zemo said, Sam scoffed back at him 'this gallery is specialized in stone artwork stolen artwork these are all classics...'

'Please, bird boy, we got skills.' Karma added.

'It's true I used to like to go to the opera and they always had fakes.' Bucky added 'except for this.'

'you went to the opera?' Karma questioned.

'I did, and I would love to take you-' bucky began but Sharon pulled Karma along.

'All right guys I see what you're doing you're more worldly than I,' Sam said looking up a picture online.

'What's Google say?' Bucky questioned smugly.

'No shit.' Sam remarked. 'Really?'

'Come on you guys need to change. I'm hosting clients in an hour.'


'Much better,' Sharon said coming in to see Sam shirtless looking through her clothes he quickly picked out a dress shirt.

'What's going on Sharon you don't ever wanna come back home?' sam questioned

'They would lock me up the second I step foot back in the states.' she told him 'Mandripoor doesn't allow extradition. I needed a place where Karma and I could start over.'

'And we sure did.' Karma agreed.

'I'm sorry I didn't call. But after the blip and the chaos...' Sam told her 'I just-'

'You know the whole hero thing is a joke right?' Sharon said 'I mean the way you gave up that shield. You must know deep down that it's a bunch of hypocrisy.' Sharon told him.

'Preach!" Karma agreed sitting down next to bucky on the couch she molded into his side effortlessly as he wrapped a hand around the back of the couch behind her.

'He knows,' Zemo agreed 'but not so deep down.'

'By the way how is the new cap?' Sharon asked

'Don't get me started,' Bucky grumbled.

'Very blonde,' Karma remarked. 'doesn't have that steve rogers charm though from what ive seen.'

'Please Barnes, you buy into all that Stars & Stripes bullshit before you were his pet psychopath,' Sharon pointed at ZEMO 'you were Mr. America's best friend.' She reminded him.

'Wow she's kind of awful now.' Sam said looking her over, Sharon rolled her eyes.

'Watch it bird boy,' karma sneered.

'I thought you told me the one that got away was a sweet little thing, not this sassy mouthed little tyrant like her sister?" Sam questioned.

'the one that got away?" Karma mused looking at bucky he opened his mouth but closed it embarrassed.

'Karly Morgenthau has taken the serum along with seven others.'

'You guys should really stay clear of this,' Sharon told them 'for your own safety.'

'Agreed, the serum... don't fuck with it.' Karma agreed. 'shady shit in mandripoor and your government protocols will get in the way, might as well leave now.' Karma said staring at Sam and sam alone.

'We know it's a risk,' Sam said 'we're not gonna leave until we find the person that cracked the code.' Sam informed her.

'We got a name,' Bucky added 'Wilfred Nagel.'

'Nagel works for the power broker.' she told.

'Don't fuck with the power broker and the power brokers people.' Karma warned. 'power broker is royalty here.'

'We need your help. Sharon I can get your name cleared,' Sam said as she poured yourself a drink.

'You haggling with my life?'

'Not like that,' Sam said

'I don't buy that you pretending you can clear my name.'

'Maybe there's a bunch of hypocrisy,' Sam said 'it's not right what happened to you but I'm willing to try if you are. They cleared the bionic staring machine and he killed almost everybody in this room.'

'I heard that.' Bucky grumbled.

'I don't trust charity.' Sharon told him

'A deal then,' Sam offered 'you help us out and I get your name cleared.' he held a hand out for her, Sharon thought about it for a moment before looking to Karma. Karma was not a fugitive, she was just traveling for years as far as anyone knew, perhaps she was dead to the states, but she could go back, it was Sharon that was on the run, but Karma ran with her sister. Sharon agreed shaking his hand and downing her drink.

'Well I sell to some pretty connected people.' Sharon remarked, 'lay low and blend in.. and I'll see what I can do. Enjoy the party and stay out of trouble I'll see what I can find.'

'Trouble,' Zemo said happily.

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now