14. Not the Nazis

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'Karly bombed a depot.' Bucky said looking up from his phone.

'What's the damage?' Sam questioned

'11 injured and three dead they have a list of demands or else they're promising more attacks if their demands are not met in full.' Bucky read off his phone the newspaper article.

'She's getting serious. I have the means to complete this mission do the two of you?' Zemo asked looking between them.

'She's just a kid.' Sam remarked.

'Sometimes children are the most dangerous, they are underestimated.' Karma told him. 'they lash out and don't get reprimanded because of their age.'

'You see something in her that is not there,' Zemo remarked 'Karma is right, she needs to be put down.'

'I didn't say that.' Karma clarified. 'but she's a Supremacist.' Karma added.

'To Supremacists the power of the super soldier will always have control over her it warps aspiration it is a disease, to Ultron to the avengers.' Zemo went on.

'Those are your our friends you were talking about.' Sam sneered

'The avengers.' Bucky clarified 'not the Nazis.'

'I know how old you are Bucky, are you sure about that?" Karma teased and Bucky pulled her into his side, giving her hip a squeeze.

'Karly has to be stopped ,'Sam agreed 'but it has to be a peaceful way to stop her.'

'A desire to become a superhuman.' Zemo began, 'they cannot be separated from a supremacist and it's deals with anyone who stands in their path, Sam is inherently on that path. She will not stop she will escalate until you kill her.' Bucky told them 'or she kills you.'

'Maybe you're wrong zemo.' Bucky spoke up 'the serum never corrupted Steve.'

'Touché,' he agreed 'but there has never been another Steve Rogers has there?'

'Well maybe we should give you to the Wakandans then, right now.'

'And you would give up your tour guide?' Zemo questioned going through the cabinets

'Yes.' Bucky agreed.

'I say Zemo has been quite useful.' Karma added and Zemo smiled back at her appreciatively.

'From my understanding Donya is a pillar of the community so when I was a kid my TT passed away-' Sam said

'Your TT?' Bucky questioned confused.

'Yeah my TT.' Sam told them

'What the hell is a TT?' Bucky asked popping down on the couch he pulled Karma with him and she tipped into him, an arm around the back of the couch, it felt like old times. It felt like when everything was normal, at least Karma thought things were normal. Sharon had later admitted that she knew who bucky was and she was to track him down. But when Sharon saw how smitten Karma was she broke the rules and let them have some fun. So sitting her with bucky although she was a completely different person, being with him made her feel like the old her, the innocent girl that had nothing on her mind but music, lyrics and steps... and bucky.

'Fine when I was younger my aunt passed away and the entire neighborhood got together for a ceremony.' Sam told them 'it was like a week long maybe they're doing the same thing for Donya.'

'Worth a shot.' Bucky admitted

'Your TT would be proud of you.' Zemo told him, 'Turkish delight.' he said tossing one over 'irresistible,' he said dumping out the container dropping them on the counter. Karma popped one in her mouth.

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now