12. Contest

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'All right wait for my signal,' Bucky said. But Sam ran out guns blazing 'dammit,' Bucky sneered following him and then Sharon and Karma followed his lead. Zemo was nowhere in sight

'Do you like living here?' Sam shouted through the gun fire

'It's not terrible,' Shannon admitted shooting back.

'It's fine most days,' Karma agreed.

'I thought you were gonna go left?' Bucky shouted

'I did you went the wrong way.' Sam shouted back 'I came out door first and you were supposed to follow me.'

'Where are we now?" Bucky questioned shouting over the noise

'Guys!' Karma shouted 'guys!'

'This is every action movie,' Sam told him.

'Really not the time to have who's dick is bigger contest.' Karma told them and Sam scrunched up his face at her. Zemo shot the pipes from above causing explosion that distracted the men long enough for him to take control of the situation. Purple mask on his face they didn't recognize him as they ran for cover. Jumping into a containment cell for cover Karma, Sharon, Sam and Bucky closed it behind them. Zemo pulled his mask free from his face before leaving himself.

'Hop in,' Zemo said pulling up in a convertible

'You're going back to jail.' Sam remarked

'do you want to find Karly or not?' Zemo questioned simply

'He's right,' Bucky said

'He's right, better with the four of us then just us two.' Bucky told him. 'Get in.'

'Fine but if you try that shit again-'

'Well that was one hell of a reunion.' Sharon remarked closing the door

'Come back to the states with us.' Sam offered

'You know I can't just give me that pardon, you promised me.'

'Thanks for everything,' Sam told her sitting in the back seat behind Bucky. 'You're not gonna move your seat up are you?'

'Nope.' Bucky said smugly but his eyes drifted to Karma. Sharon pulled karma closer whispering in her ear.

'Keep an eye on them and get me that serum.' Karma nodded pulling back

'Hey guys can I tag along I'm sick of mandripoor?' Karma questioned

'Hop in gorgeous,' zemo told her.

'Come on karma,' bucky said throwing zemo an annoyed look. She slid in behind zemo.

'Bye Sharon,' Karma said as the door closed.

'Don't worry sharon I'll keep her safe.' Bucky said and karma snorted out a laugh she wasnt the same girl. She was the protection.

'So where are we going?' Karma questioned as zemo drove.

'Trust me darling' Zemo said confidently.

'Trust,' Karma sniggered.

'Enough room darling?' Zemo questioned

'Yep,' she answered looking back as her sister disappeared.

Karma // Bucky BarnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora