Episode 2: The Story pf Peppa&The mail

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Now, you might have seen Peppa pig as a Kindergartener, or a kid in School. But this is not what we are talking about. We are talking about Peppa the teen. The girl with a new crush and loud music. She is usually a pretty confident and popular girl in School,  hanging out with her friends, but now, something has changed. Let's go back into time a little bit.

April 25th, 2020.

Dear Diary, Noah has moved out of Town. He was my one and only crush. My interest. I havent heard from him in three months. He was the master piece to me, my key to the popularity and confidence. Now, have  been feeling lonely ever since. I have  been desperate for a crush,so i won't feel lonely. This is my  issue.

Now, she has been trying to find about the guy she likes, but failed and stayed sad. But this will change soon.

Back today.

Peppa is in her room, analising the Russian who was planning to send a bomb decorated all in pink with hello kitty on it to his neighbors. This is so weird. What should she do? The way he swears in russian, is music to her ears. It sounds like beautiful words spoken out of the shiny mouth with lipgloss.

(But it's actually just him talking to his 89 year old mom telling her that she is a big fat cow. Weird, right?)

Hours pass by and peppa does nothing but starve and look at the ceiling.

Her parents in the next room, tough, are watching TV and yelling at the screen. Mostly daddy pig.
"COME ON YOU RATSS!! MAKE THE TIGERS A VICTORY AGAIN!!! TO THE LEFT!!!" while mommy pig,  is thinking of a creative way to tell him to get a divorce.

At the neighbors house

"Mom, remember that rat from our old house in Moscow that I catched?"

"YES, what is it,bald bastard? Im trying to watch the football team win. NOOOOOO THE CRICKETS LOST! THOSE UGLY BUTT EATING TIGERS ARE WINNING AGAIN, ITS UNFAIR"

" god forbid you're normal for once. Anyways, I fried the rat and ate it for dinner!"

" you what? You did what?"

" what you heard, deaf blood sucking mosquito."

"I shouldn't have birthed you. "


"Hey, hey, Vladimir, HEY BE CAREFU-"

and then,the bomb went off, right to the neighbors.

The pigs house

"Shouldn't you turn down your yelling a bit? Peppa and George are taking their afternoon naps."

"I bet 200 dollars peppa ain't asleep. You know how she is not. Soon,our Georgie will be the same"

Said Daddy pig.

So, peppa decided to try and be more positive. She decided to send a letter to the neighbor. But first, to be give a nice impression, she had to know the "boy's" Name. (He is no boy, he is a whole grandpa)

So,she Sneaked out quietly and tried to read what was written on the new fresh board on the Putin's Family door.

"Vladimir & Katrina Putin. House no. 89"

"Hm. Interesting."
Peppa ran to her room and grabbed a piece of paper, and her favorite purple pen. She started writing:

"Hello, Vladimir Putin. My Name is Peppa pig and I live in the yellow house. Let's be friends."

After she finished writing, she felt like hesitating. What if he was not a friendly person? What if peppa's butterflies are just temporary for the wrong person?

"Ugh. This is too simple. Maybe Katrina is his girlfriend. I don't feel like doing this."

So peppa just left the note there and went to the kitchen to grab a sandwich.

As she came back eating,she stared at her letter highly doubting that the guy next door will be friends with her. That they will ever even be a thing.
"Ugh what was I thinking?"

The Putin's house, an hour later.

Miss Katrina Putin, who is the bald-headed asshole's mother, went to check the mail.

" *chewing on food*meh..what's this? A letter? Pftt. For Vladimir.


mail? Vladimir Putin has got mail? Who send him mail? Not even in Moscow a single person would think of sending him anything. He was avoided in his own city. Every body is afraid of him.

Or was..

"What do you mean mail? Stop being a liar and put it up your ass!"

" no, no im serious Vladimir! This thing right here is mail! From  a girl! Ya got girls dingus?"

He stopped for a moment.  What kind of bs Is this?

"It's just some kids sending prank mails. Throw it in the trash."

"Vladimir, this is not Russia! This is goddamn America! Nobody does that here!"

" how do you even know??!"

Katrina just shoved The mail into his hand and left to keep watching soy luna- I mean The wrestling show.

He stared at it in shock. He read it word for word. He got confused. Not a mad,but confused emotion was what He felt.

He didn't send back anything.

Which left peppa over thinking.

The Pig House

Hours later, peppa regrets choosing to send it. She regrets it all. She is trying to go to bed but She just can't. What will happen next?

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