"I guess she will always be a problem right?" Teri asked straying me from my thoughts.

"No she won't, I don't want her no more."

"Have you told her that?" It's clear that you still have feelings for her."

"What are you talking about Terri? This is what she wants babe, don't let her get under your skin." I said reaching out for her hand.

"Nah it's kool. I have my nail appointment soon anyways so you have to go."

"Are you foreal? You really gonna let her ruin what we have going on? right now?" She sat on the bed silently refusing to make any form of eye contact with me. "Ok then, I'll go." I hurriedly threw my clothes on and went straight for the door.

"Ace, I'm sorry..."

"Forget it Terri." I uttered firmly while slamming the door behind me.

***Terri's POV***

"Get it together bitch." I said loudly to my reflection in the mirror.

I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me, my emotions were all over the place. One minute I was loosing my mind over this girl and the way she made me feel and at the same time I was mad at her for still talking to that Ashley bitch. I really need to get out of this house. I quickly hopped over to my closet and flicked out a simple teal colored dress. I've bought this dress for over a year now and I've never worn it. I always buy so many stuff but never actually wear them.

When I got to the Salon Jade was on a call with what sounded like an angry client.

"Mam the next time you book an appointment for your daughter make sure you come with her ok." Jade said calmly.

"There won't be a next time." I could hear the woman yelling back.

"Did you hear her Terri?" Jade asked while slamming down the phone.

"Yeah I heard her, why is she behaving like that?"

"Crazy ass woman dropped off her daughter this morning, said today was her sixteenth birthday and the little girl has been dying to get her nails done for the first time. I did the nails to her suit now she is calling me saying I did them too long and that I have to remember that her daughter is still a child."

"Is she foreal?" So why didn't she wait with her then?"

"Same damn thing I was saying girl. Some people cannot be pleased and today is not the day."

"Yeah, it sure ain't" I uttered lowly

"Girl this is not you though, what's up with this long face?" Jade inquired.

"I don't even know, I've just been having these crazy mood swings lately, like I'll go from zero to one hundred real quickly, Its not even funny."

"Its that time of the month huh?"

"I can't even tell the last time I saw that thing."

"Mhmhmmm" Jade mumbled casually.

"Bitch that's impossible."

"Is it?" Jade asked looking up at me.

"No girl its not like that. I'm pretty sure I'm just stressed that's all."

"If you say so, you do look a little fat in the face though."

"Jade stop playing." I said slapping her arm.

"Girl you know I'm an open book and when I had my first born I didn't know I was pregnant until about five months into that shit. I was on them birth control pills too and you know how them pills throw off your menstrual sometimes, it was weird."

"Girl don't be putting no ideas in my head ok, that's impossible I told you."

"Don't eat my head off, I was just saying."

"Yea whatever."

I would never convince myself in anyway to believe that I was pregnant. It couldn't be. There is absolutely no way. I've never had unprotected sex in my whole motherfucking life. I wasn't nauseous or vomiting or any of those unbelievable stuff either. I plugged my headphones in and started playing some songs by Music Soul Child. This is all I needed to get my mood right.

"Girl your nails are almost done. How do you like these lavender acrylic french tips?" Jade said holding up my pinkie finger.

"One thing I know is that you gon put your own twist on things."

"Biiittch thats why you keep coming back, you know this." Jade said excitingly while popping her shirt collar.

I laughed at her reaction to my compliment.

"Hold that thought girl, I need to go take a pee." I said getting up from around the table. My head was feeling a little heavy but I didn't want to say anything. I suddenly felt my belly growled which reminded me that I didn't have a meal all day, I know I needed to stop doing this to my self, I'm always skipping meals and shit.

"Terri you dont look so good girl." Jade said holding on to my hand.

"Girl I'm fine really."

"Are you sure? Terri! Terri."I could hear Jade's voice slowly fading.

"Will she be ok?"


"Hey girl. How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. What happened?" I must have been in heaven or something because the only thing I could see was bright lights all around me.

"You passed out in the shop. You're in the hospital."

"What the fuck?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Yea the ambulance came as soon as I called them. Its a good thing Mark was still at the shop so we were able to catch you before you fell."

"Who's Mark? I don't remember what happened."

"Hey Terrikai you're awake." I heard a friendly but familiar voice approaching.

"Hi Mrs. Johnson. I'm sorry I didn't know you were back."

"Tyerese didn't tell you? I thought you two were still best friends."

"Umm yes we are."

"Well friends don't keep things from each other, so when you see him tell him I told you that ok?"

I smiled at her kindness "Ok mam."

"Your nail technician mentioned that you fainted, so we ran a blood test as soon as you got here and the results are back. Would you like for me to proceed or?" she asked looking over at Jade.

"Yea she is fine." I responded eagerly but anxious at the same time.

"Well Terrikai darlin. You are currently four months and three weeks pregnant, the baby is healthy but you are not quite."

"Wait. What?" I asked looking at her lips moving. I suddenly felt like I lost my sense of hearing in that moment or maybe this was a bad dream.

"What do you mean pregnant?"

"I knew it. I told you girl." Jade said excitingly.

"Are those tears of Joy I see?'' Mrs. Johnson asked.

"No" I said barely above a whisper.

"Then why are you crying? You should be excited honey. Having a child is an amazing journey and you'll be just fine." Mrs. Johnson said reassuringly while sitting on the bed next to me.

"No I wont be."

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