Maybe it was me

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"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it and yet you have no desire to find out who the half-blood Prince is" Hermione said walking with Ron and Harry in the cold snow to get butterbeer

"You love that book more than you love Asterin" Ron laughed

They finally got the the place and sat down at a table when they saw Draco walking into a room and closing the door. They turned to look at the corner and saw Ginny holding hands with Dean

"Oh bloody hell" Ron said

"Relax Ronald they're just holding hands" Hermione said when Ginny and Dean started kissing

"And snogging" Hermione said awkwardly

"I'd like to leave" Ron said in a serious tone

"Seriously?" Asterin laughed

"You can't be serious? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? You expect her to get up and leave?" Hermione asked

Asterin and Harry looked at Hermione and then at each other with a smile. Slughorn then went over to talk to Harry and invite him to the supper party

"Riddle Granger you'll be welcomed too" Slughorn said

"I'd be delighted sir" Hermione smiled

"I'll think about it" Asterin said

"Splendid, look for my owl" He said walking away

"You got a bit" Ron said touching his upper lip

Hermione got a cream mustache from her butterbeer and quickly whipped it off . Once they were done they walk back to Hogwarts

"You were feeling bold back there" Asterin smiled to Hermione

"Shut up" Hermione giggled

The walked until they heard a girl screaming saying "I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" As Katie Bell laid on the ground

Katie's body then started moving side to side then floated up in the air, her body then dropped to the ground hardly

"Don't get any closer" Hagrid said coming towards them and picking up Katie

Harry walked towards a necklace on the ground "Don't touch that except for the wrapping. Do you understand?" Hagrid said

Mcgongall looked at the dark necklace

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" Mcgongall asked the girl who was with Katie

"Like I said, she left to go to the loo and when she came back she had the package with her...she said it was important and she'd deliver it" The girl said

"Did she say to who?" Mcgongall asked

"To Professor Dumbledore" The girl replied

"Very well thank you Leanne you may go" Mcgongall said as the girl left

Mcgongall took a deep breath before looking at Asterin, Ron, Hermione and Harry

"Why is it when something happens it is always you four?" Mcgongall asked

"Believe me Professor, I've asked myself the same question for six years" Ron said

Snape then walked in to look at the necklace. Snape picked up the necklace with a spell while taking a close look

"What do you think?" Mcgongall asked Snape

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive" Snape said

"She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie off the pitch and she wouldn't hurt a fly..if she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore she wasn't doing it knowingly" Harry informed

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