Another day in Asterin's life

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Mattheo took me to the forest

"So what's up?" I asked

"I gonna ask out Ella" he said

"Okay? Good"

"ASTERIN! I need you to help me plan it!!"

"Okay okay"

"What are you thinking?"

"Take her to dinner and then take her somewhere beautiful and then go for it"

"But where?"

"You pick because it wouldn't be that special if someone else planned the thing"

"Oh okay thanks"

"Can I go now?" I asked


"Wait I don't need to ask, I do whatever I want so bye brother"

I said waving my hand to him as I left

"Asterin" I heard a faded voice

I turned around and saw nobody so I just ignored it

"Be prepared...7thhhh" I heard again

"Bitch tf" I said confused

I covered my ears and walked to the castle

7th? 7th what? Day? Year? Month?

I was so busy in my thoughts I bumped into someone But kept walking until I felt them grab my waist and turn me around. It was Harry. Our faces were inches away

"What's wrong?" He asked


He let go of my waist and took my hands off my ears and giggled

"I said what's wrong?"

"Nothing why?"

"You had your ears covered and didn't notice you bump into me"

"I was thinking about something and didn't care who it was"

"And the ears?"

"To...focus on my thoughts better"

"Mmm okay" he said not really believing me

I smiled innocently

"Oh also have you seen Tom?" I asked him

"With a girl in the library" he said

"Thanks bye Lover" I said then quickly walking away

I should start being more bold. I went to the Library to find a in love Tom. I didn't want to interrupt them so I just waited and grabbed some book on the wait

"Hello" I heard a soft voice

"Luna right" I said

"Yes, Luna lovegood"

"Oh hey girl"

"Hey Asterin"

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Came to grab some books and you?"

"Me too"

"Well see you around Asterin"

"Bye Luna"

I turned to Tom and His crush's directions but they were gone. I decided to just talk to him tomorrow


I turned with no reaction

"HOW??" Fred said

"I don't know" I responded

"One day Riddle one day" George said

I laughed

"YOUR DAD!" George yelled

"Sure" I said with no reaction again

"How do you not get scared??" They both said

"Umm I'm not scared of anything?" I said

"Just watch just watch" they both said walking away

I started heading to the courtyard and saw Harry. He's just so cute and I wish he would be mine but it'll be an impossible love

"Hey Asterin"

"Hey Harry James"

"Hey Asterin Hazel" he said giggling

I smiled as I started into his sparkling eyes

"You okay?" He asked

"Oh yes I'm fine, let's go find Hermione Yea" i

We both started walking to find hermione

"Can we talk about what happened on your party?" Harry said

I pretended like I didn't hear him and kept walking because I didn't wanna touch that topic

"Did you hear me??" He asked

"OH look Ron and Hermione are right there!" I said heading towards them

I quickly grabbed Hermione's arm

"Hermione!! It's been so long!! Let's go somewhere yea? Yeah bye guy" I said pulling Hermione away

"What's wrong? What happened??" She asked

"I'll tell you right now hold up"

When we were far away from Harry and Ron I let go of her

"What happened?? Why did you pull me?" She asked

"I need to get something off my chest and I trust you with it"

"And that is?"


" 'umm' what??"

"I have a crush on Harry Potter"

Her mother dropped and it slowly turned into excitement

"Omg!!" She said happy

"SHHH! They are gonna hear"

"Sorry, but omggg Asterin you like Harry"

"Yea, we also kissed at my party"

"What?? I missed a whole chapter"

I giggled

"But the thing is that it's gonna be difficult if we get together because he's the super hero and I'm the villian"

"If you really love him then who cares about what you guys are or where you came from"

"Your right but what about my parents? They are gonna find out one way or another"

"How do you know?"

"I know my parents and I know their plans"

"What are their plans?"

"I can't say that"

"You have to tell dumbledore!"

"Hermione's dangerous and I can't put you guys out there like that"

"Dumbledore can help you"

"I tell him and I'm dead Hermione" I told her with a serious tone

She stayed quiet

"Since we are confessing...I like Ron"

"Bae I already know that" I said softly giggling

"How?" She asked giggling

"Girl its so obvious"

"Really now" she laughed

Maybe I'll take a risk but I'll put his life in danger

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