The Rivers

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The day had come, the day the Rivers come the Hogwarts. I got myself ready and headed to the great hall

"I heard there was new students coming" Hermione said exactly

"Don't be too excited now Hermione" I said warning her

"Do you know them?" Ron asked

"Yeah, they are pure losers" I said as we walked into the great hall

I sat at the Slytherin table and my little Slytherin group and waited for these losers to come.

"Today we have 4 new students joining us" Dumbledore announced

I smirked as asked themselves who they were, I look at my brothers smiling with evil

"Please welcome! Ruben Rivers, Fabian Rivers, Anna Rivers, Brenda Rivers!" Dumbledore announced as everyone clapped

They walked in and right away I made eye contact with Anna and Brenda, I mouthed 'losers' and laughing.

"Ruben Rivers is gonna be a in 6th year will get sorted into his house first" Mcgongall said as she placed the hat on his head

Nobody could hear what the hat was saying, only the hat and the person getting sorted could hear the hat

"SLYTHERIN" The hat yelled for Ruben

"SLYTHERIN" The hat yelled for Fabian

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled for Anna

"HUFFELPUFF" The hat yelled for Brenda

"What?! There must be a mistake" Brenda quickly said

"Nope, the hat never lies" Mcgongall said

"I- I can't be in huffelpuff"

"There is nothing wrong with being in Huffelpuff" Mcgongall said

"Yeah but I am a Slytherin! I come from a line of Slytherins" Brenda argued

"Actually Ms. Rivers, The Rivers come from Huffelpuff originally" Mcgongall said before sending Brenda off

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, My prayers go out to my precious beautiful Huffelpuffs for having her in there house

"And you stop laughing?!" Anna said cross from me 5 sits down

"HAHAHAH" laughing louder so she would get mad

"We meet again Riddles!" Fabian said to My brothers and I who were leaning on a wall

"Cool! Anyways like I was saying, I told her that the-" Mattheo got rudely interrupted by Anna

"Asterin what did you tell us when we came in?" Anna said crossing her arms

"I said LOSERS! You wanna hear it again? L-O-S-E-R-S" I said side smiling

"Just you guys wait until our father takes down your dad" Ruben said

"Oh we will wait for sure" Tom said

"Where's the other loser? Bench or Banded whatever her name is" I said

"Brenda, she's in her dorm" Anna informed me

"Crying because she'll be a disappoint?" Mattheo said acting like he cared then laughed

"You guys think your so tough huh?" Fabian said

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