Asking her

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Ron sat Harry down in the common room to explain

"Go on" Ron said

"There's nothing to explain Ron, I'm just asking her to the ball" Harry said

"Do you like her?" Ron asked smiling

"What? Why do you ask?" Harry asked

"The way you look at her Harry, you look at her like if she was a goddess" Ron smiled

"Because she is" Harry said quietly

"Are you in love with her" Ron asked

"I just might be" Harry smiled

"You're in love with her?!" Ron said almost yelling

"I've always been, I know it's a risk but I don't care Ron. I'm willing to take that risk for her " Harry said

"Well what are you waiting for?" Ron said getting up

Harry nodded as they both walked out the common room to go find her. Meanwhile Asterin was with Draco just talking in the courtyard, Harry saw them and was about to turn back but Ron didn't let him and pushed him to her

"Can I have a word?" Harry smile nervously

Asterin nodded as they walked a few feet away from Draco

"Um uh will you go to the ball with..with me?" Harry asking nervously

"Uhh yeah sure" She said giving him a small smile

"Brilliant um see you around" He said smiling the whole way back to his dorm

She smiled to herself before going back with Draco

"What did he want? And why are you so smiley?" He asked

"Don't worry about it" She smiled playing with the cold snow


Asterin was in her dorm writing when Pansy stormed in.

"Woah what happened?" Asterin said looking up at Pansy

"That stupid mudblood ugh" Pansy said angrily

"Who?" Asterin asked

"Who else Riddle? Who else?! Granger!" Pansy said

"What did she do?" Asterin asked confused

"Krum asked her to the ball" Pansy said sitting down annoyed

"Viktor Krum?!" Asterin said shocked

"Why are you acting so surprised? You're friends with that stupid knew didn't you" Pansy said

"Pansy no, I knew she was going with someone but she didn't tell me who, also don't call her that" Asterin said

"I'll call her what ever the fuck I want" She responded resting her head on her hands

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