The...Yule Ball?

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Asterin was barely able to get up but acted like she was completely fine. When she was done getting ready she headed to the great hall and to her surprise Ron was sitting down with Harry and Hermione.

"You guys made up?" Asterin asked the boy once she got there

"Yeah, I finally believe him" Ron said in a low voice

Asterin nodded giving them a quick smile and sitting down next to Hermione who was reading the daily prophet, Asterin leaded over to what Hermione was reading about

"Hi, Harry" said the Patil twins at the same time

Asterin quickly looked up from the prophet at the twin girls and gave them a dirty look as they walked by. Harry noticed Asterin's jealousy which made him slightly blush and put a small smile on his face. Asterin then looked back at the prophet

"Cho Harry's looking at you" said a girl a table away

Asterin's eyes shot up from the prophet once more to look at Harry who was in fact looking at Cho and even smiled at Cho as juice fell out his mouth. Asterin stared at him in disbelief

"This is ridiculous" Hermione said angrily at the prophet

"I agree" Asterin said starring at Harry, Harry dropped the smile when he noticed Asterin was starring at him for what he did

Hermione put the prophet down on the table so we could see what she was referring to

"Ohh that" Asterin whispered to herself

"Look at this...I can't believe! she's done it again!" Hermione said pointing to a specific part of the article

She began to read "Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest pray, sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow"

"A bonbon?" Asterin said laughing with Ron

"There's one of you and Malfoy...Draco Malfoy spotted giving his lover Asterin Riddle one last talk before fighting a vicious dragon. Not only do the two of them come from dark powerful families but they also seek revenge on Harry Potter"

"His lover" Ron laughed

"That's all false and stupid" Asterin laughed

"Malfoy's lover, Asterin Riddle" Harry said then chewing aggressively

A young boy then came to Ron with a package

"Parcel for you, Mr Weasley" The young boy said handing Ron the package

"Thank you, Nigel" Ron said taking the big brown box but the boy stood there starring and smiling at Harry brightly when Ron noticed

"Not now Nigel later, go on" Ron said as the boy walked away

Asterin, Hermione and Harry all starred at him for an explanation

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph" Ron said opening the big box

"Oh look mum's sent me something" Ron said

He pulled out dress robes but they weren't just any dress robes they looked old

"Mum sent me a dress" Ron said holding it up

"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Harry grabbed the bonnet from the box and put it up to Ron laughing

"Nose down Harry" Ron said as he walked to Ginny

"Ginny, these must be for you" Ron said holding it up

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