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The school was back to normal since Dumbledore was back. The Riddles left 4 days before school ended without saying a word to anyone

"Where's Asterin" Ginny asked while she walked with Neville, Ron, Harry and Hermione to the train

"She left" Hermione responded

"I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me" Harry said

"What's that?" Hermione asked

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us..we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have" Harry spoke

"Yeah?" Ron asked

"Something worth fighting for" Harry smiled


Asterin sat on her bed trying to find a good book that didn't get her bored after reading the first page

"I hate reading" Asterin said tossing the book after just reading the first two sentences

She rested her head on her pillows when someone knocked on her door "yes?" Asterin called

"Mom wants us" Tom said behind the door

Asterin rolled her eyes before getting up, she walked downstairs to see Mattheo and Tom sitting down at the table and Hazel smiling evilly. She sat down looking at Tom and Mattheo

"The time has come" Hazel smirked
Harry sat in a cafe reading the prophet when a girl saw what Harry was reading "Harry Potter. Who's Harry Potter?" The girl asked

"Oh no one, bit of a tosser really" Harry said putting the prophet down

"Funny that paper of yours, couple nights ago I could've sworn I saw a picture was about a girl, Asterin Riddle I believe" She smiled

"Really" Harry smiled back

"Though I was going around the twist" the girl laughed

She walked away when Harry turned around "Hey I was wondering-"

"Eleven. That's when I get off, you can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter" She smiled

Harry made a confused face expression then turned back to see Asterin in front of him

"YoU CaN TeLl mE aLl aBoUt ThAt ToSsEr" Asterin mocked

"Asterin? What are you doing here?" He asked

"I was gonna tell you something but it seems you're too busy flirting with other girls" Asterin smiled sarcastically

"I just wanted to ask her for a coffee, not when she got off" Harry explained "Asterin you're the only girl I want"

"Of course" Asterin said leaving

Harry tried to go after her but she just disappeared and all he saw was the train

Asterin got to her room then slammed the door so hard that Tom and Mattheo peaked out. "You alright?" Mattheo asked outside the door

"I'm wonderful!" Asterin said

"Yeah no she's not fine" Tom said

They opened her door to see her under all her bed covers with a lot of pillows on top of her "What happened?" Mattheo asked taking off the pillows

"Nothing" She mumbled

"It has to be something" Tom said

She came out her covers with a furious face "It's nothing, just a bad day" She answered

"You sure?" Tom asked

Asterin nodded forcing a smile on her face, her brothers nodded leaving her room.

Asterin walked inside of the twin's joke shop. Everything was colorful and full of different candies, the shop was full of people who smiled brightly at all the different items

"Are you and Harry mad at each other?" Hermione asked Asterin pulling her to the side away from Ginny, Ron and Harry

"It's nothing really" Asterin said

They both walked over to Ginny when they noticed a blonde boy staring at them "What's his problem?" Asterin said annoyed

"Ignore him" Hermione responded

"How much for this?" Ron asked his brothers

"Five gallons" The twins both said

"How much for me?" Ron asked again

"Five gallons" They repeated

"I'm your brother" Ron said

"10 gallons" The twins shrugged

Ron rolled his eyes as Asterin laughed a little "come on let's go" Ron said

They walked out but on their way out a curly hair girl said "Hi Ron" and Ron responded with "hi"

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half the Alley's closed down" Hermione asked

"Fred's reckons people need a laugh now a days" Ron responded

"I reckon he's right" Harry added

Asterin noticed Draco from a far signaling Asterin to come "I have to go, Bye" Asterin smiled

She went over to Draco and his mom "Hey Cissy" Asterin said as Narcissa pulled her in for a hug

"Hello Darling" Narcissa smiled

"Oh no, everyone got their wands from Ollivander's" Hermione said seeing the shop destroyed

They walked in the destroyed shop and looked around then Ron looked out the window "Harry?" Ron said as Harry walked over

"Is it me or do Asterin, Draco and mummy look like three people who don't wanna to be followed?" Ron said as Draco and Asterin looked around while Narcissa lead the way

Harry, Ron and Hermione followed them into the bad side of the alley and saw them go into "Borgin and Burke"

The trio couldn't go in so they had to climb the roof to see inside, they saw Draco standing while his mother kissed him on the cheek but had to go down when someone looked out from the window then closed the curtains

"Gosh I love being Asterin Riddle" Astein said reading the prophet and smiling

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