These guys

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*1 hour*

*2 hours*

*3 hours*

"He's been gone for a while now" Hermione said worried

"He's fineee" I told her

*4 hours*

"We should go look for him! It's been 4 hours!!" Hermione said looking at her watch

"I think we should" Harry said

"If you wish so"

We got up and went to go look for him

"Have you seen Ron?" Harry asked Dean

Dean shook his head

"Where is he?!" Hermione said really worried

"I don't know ma'am" I told her in a funny voice

"It's no time to be goofing around!"

"Miss girl there's always time-look he's right there" I said pointing to a Red head

"That's Jagger!" Hermione said

"Well they look alike" I said

We looked and looked no Ron

"Tell your brothers where he is" Hermione told me

"I don't know where they are"

"There in the library" Harry said

I stepped on his foot.

"Ouch" he said

What a dumbass like homeboy I know they are there but I don't wanna go

"Go on please" Hermione said trying to convince me

I shook my head


I shook my head

"For Ron"

I looked at her


"Okay then"

I started walking off

Really think ima go haha no I'm not. Let me go do something else

I saw the elf door was open so I went inside because why not

"AHHHHH!!!!" I heard a girl scream

I jumped and turned around


"Oh you scared me"

"You scream like a girl" I said laughing

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked

"I didn't go up to your brothers so I hide from you guys instead because I knew you would look for me" Ron said

"I was sent to go tell my brothers where you were but I didn't go up to them either so I just came inside here"

"Are they mad?" He asked

"They don't know so no but if they find out then maybe"

"Let's make something up!"


"They hit me so we won't go up to them"

"No I don't like that a goo-"

It was late Ron said a spell to make his face blooded

The Riddle Siblings Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora