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For the past few days Umbridge had been in charged, she started hanging up rules, she walked around the halls making sure everyone was following the rules, questioned the Professors, didn't allow students to play with magic or anything, reports could ask her where Dumbledore was. Everyday a new rule would be hanged up

The students all piled up as Umbridge fired Professor Trelawney. Umbridge walked evilly while Trelawney stumbled on her luggage

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here, Hogwarts is my home" Trelawney said with a shaky voice "you can't do this" She cried

"Actually, I can" Umbridge said holding up a paper

Trelawney teared up when Mcgongall stepped in to confront Trelawney. "Something you would like to say dear?" Umbridge asked

"Oh there are several things I would like to say" Mcgongall responded

The big gate then opened revealing Dumbledore, he walked to Umbridge, Mcgongall and Trelawney as all the students watched him

"Professor Mcgongall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside" Dumbledore ordered

Mcgongall walked Trelawney back inside and Trelawney thanked Dumbledore

"Dumbledore, May I remind you that under the terms of educational decree number 23 as enacted by the minister"

"You have to right to dismiss my do not however have the authority to banish them for the grounds, that power remains with the headmaster" Dumbledore said

A smile formed on Umbridge face "for now" she said

Dumbledore then looked around before leaving "don't you all have studying to do?" He said walking away

Harry tired to catch up to Dumbledore but couldn't "That was.." "horrible" Hermione said interrupting Asterin "horrible? That was amazing!" She smiled

The four went to the Gryffindor's common room and Hermione ranted about Umbridge. "I have to go" Asterin said getting up

"Where are you going?" Harry asked grabbing her arm back

"I'll see you guys later" she smiled and left

She walked to the Slytherin common room when she was suddenly pinned against the wall "What the fuck are you doing?" She asked confused

"Is it true? You and Potter are dating?" Enzo asked

"What no" She lied

He let go of her and looked at her "you're lying" he said crossing his arms and tilting his head

"I'm not Lorenzo" she laughed while they started walking

"Rumors have been going around" He said raising his eyebrow

"They aren't true" she laughed

They got to the common room and she went up to her dorm.


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