Chapter 44

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Author's pov

Jungkook didn't go to office that day. He was trying to figure out how to show himself to Jimin. He's not only a disappointment as a son but as a husband also. Their bond will never be like before. He was such a fool for not recognising a gem like Jimin before.

He then got an idea. He ran downstairs looking like a hysterical person and asked for Jimin's mom's number from his mother.
She was concerned seeing him like that but gave him her number eventually.

Jungkook immediately dialled the number and anxiously waited for her to pick up. To his surprise, she did pick up.

"Hello? Who is this ?" She asked.

"Aun- mom i-it's me...Jungkook" Jungkook stuttered because this was the first time he interacted with his mother-in-law.

"Oh Jungkook-ah, why did you call son?" She asked.

She sounded as if she didn't have any idea about the incident that happened between him and Jimin.

"I..uh...I just wanted to ask if J-jimin is there"

"Yes he came here this morning"

"H-how did he look ?" Jungkook dared to ask.

"He looked fine physically but I think something is troubling him. Did you guys fight ?" Mrs. Park questioned.

"I wish I could e-explain everything to you b-but I really need to apologise to him" Jungkook said trying not to cry.

"It's fine my boy. Married couples do fight a lot. Everything will be okay"

"Can I come there ? Just please send Jimin outside for me but don't tell him it's m-me. He w-won't pick up my calls" Jungkook said.

"Ok I'll try son"


Jungkook took those papers and headed down. On his way he accidentally bumped into his father making the papers fall on the floor.
The old man picked them up. Upon examining them he looked at his son in disbelief and disgust.

"Are you.....r-really my son ?"

"Dad it's not what it looks li-"

A hard slap landed on Jungkook's cheek before he got to finish his sentence. For the first time in his whole life, Mr. Jeon hit his own son.



Y/N and Jungkook's mom ran to the source of chaos as they saw Jungkook standing there lowering his head and Mr. Jeon huffing in anger.

"What happened here ?" Mrs. Jeon asked while trying to calm her husband down.

"I made a huge mistake mom...I fooled Jimin for the property a-and that's why he l-left us" Jungkook muttered looking small.

Mrs. Jeon couldn't believe what her son was saying.

"Jungkook what are you saying?"

Jungkook kept his head low.

"Son....I never taught you to be like this...then w-why ?" His mother's eyes watered. She couldn't believe that her once sweet boy is now someone like this.

"I-it's all my fault m-mom. I was blinded by jealousy and greed" Tear drops fell from Jungkook's eyes.

"But I realised my mistake a little t-too late..."

"I don't care what you have to do but I want my other son back" Mr. Jeon said monotonously. He threw the papers at Jungkook's face and went upstairs.

Jungkook's mom got closer to him and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Jungkook, be honest with me. Do you regret doing this ?"

"Yes.." Jungkook sounded miserable.

"Do you love him ?" She asked looking him in the eyes.

Jungkook looked at her with utmost honesty and spoke, "...very much"

"Then bring him back at any cost" She said wiping his tears .

Jungkook hugged his mother tightly without saying anything. Then nodded. He'll try his best.

He picked up the papers and strode out of the mansion, towards his car.


Standing infront of the porch of Jimin's house, Jungkook was contemplating whether he should call Jimin's mom or not. In the end, he chose the second option.

When Mrs. Park said that she's sending Jimin out in a few minutes, Jungkook started fiddling. He was a nervous mess . The document in his grasp was beginning to soak the moisture of his hand.

He jumped up when the door opened and he was met with the familiar gorgeous pair of blue eyes. It appeared like they've lost their light.

Jimin's movements stopped when he came face to face with the person he least wanted to see right now. Clenching his jaw, Jimin turned around to go inside his house but got interrupted by Jungkook grabbing his wrist.

"J-jmin wait I need to talk to you please" Jungkook stumbled.

"If you're here to thank me for signing the papers, then you're welcome. Now let me go" Jimin stated without turning back.

"It's not about that. Please listen to me for this time. I-I need to explain"

"Explain what ? How you tricked me ? Or how I was a bother to you this whole time ?" Jimin said calmly.

"No d-don't say that . You're the most important person in my life. Please give me a chance to explain myself" Jungkook begged.

"Say whatever you want to say then leave me alone" Jimin turned around and yanked his hand out of Jungkook's grip.

"I admit that I arranged these p-papers and initially my plan was to trick you into signing them but that was the doing of my brainless greddy self. As I started spending more time with you , I realised that there's somewhere my old self is still alive in me. It only comes out when you are around"

"You taught me that happiness doesn't only come from partying or drinking alcohol...sometimes happiness comes from seeing your loved ones smile. You're the one who taught me to be a good human. Because of you I got closer to my family. Because of you I found love"

"It's you who makes me feel like this. I-I am sorry, I know what I did is unforgivable. And I also know that you'll never trust me ever again b-but I'm not asking you to trust me blindly. Just....just give me another chance to improve myself, to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Please.." Jungkook's throat was dry as he was holding back tears.

Jimin was looking at him with moist eyes then suddenly started laughing like a mad man, holding his stomach.

"Listen, I'm not great like everyone else, I don't want to forgive you for what you made me feel. And don't worry, you won't have to be stuck in this so called marriage for long. I'll send you the divorce papers soon" Jimin proclaimed, smiling like a lifeless doll.

And when he was getting inside, he turned back and said, "Don't expect bandaids to fix bullet holes"

And when he was getting inside, he turned back and said, "Don't expect bandaids to fix bullet holes"

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