Chapter 1: Building new nation

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Location: Ruens Gue Empire, Capital.

3rd person pov

The Ruens Gue Empire was the solve superpower in the world, The army are 11,500,000 strong. Their economic were doing well. The empire was consider to be the only-human kingdoms. They conquer many lands and take non-humans as slaves. Their military had 5,560,000 army soldiers, 3,450,000 Military vehicles, 2,300,000 air forces, and 1,350,000 Battleships. In the castle, The king duke named Henry Vane was leader of the Ruens Gue Empire. He was supported of theocracy and his nation. Until the messager comes in and bow down.

Messager: My lord, Our military are ready to assault on the United Republic of Caco.

Henry: Good, Our army will assault this animals! And now we will be victorious.

The evil smile was form in his face. He wanted all demi-humans to be extinct all over the world.

Henry: We will conquer this land and take whatever slaves we capture!

He laughed like a madman.


Location: United Republic of Caco, Capital.

In the nation of republic was the small country near the border of Ruens Gue Empire. The population was 6,680,000 demi-humans, Their military had 3,060,000 army troops, 1,400,000 army vehicles and 500,000 battleships. But this is not enough to stop the Ruens Gue Empire has they're had the advanced new technology to sub-past the republic technology. Meanwhile in the castle of republic. Princess Yuni was the demi-human child with cat ears and tail, She was afraid that the empire had established their army in their border.

Yuni: They're want to invade?

The general nodded.

URF General: It is worse has we thought. They have their army ready to attack.

Yuni: B-But we thought that king henry will leaves us alone!

URF General look down in fear.

URF General: Sadly, They're play us. They don't want peace, Only war. You highness, Our forces are out match against the empire.

Yuni: *Sigh* This is not good.


Location: United Federation of America, New Washington DC.

Back with our main protagonist, and his son (Rick) has they're made their own capital city...

Back with our main protagonist, and his son (Rick) has they're made their own capital city

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Even since rick teach Y/N to make his capital. He was promised to call Y/N daddy, At first...... his to young to be his father. But no other chose.

Rick: Daddy, You have build a new capital.

Y/N: *Nodded* How many population are in the city?

Rick: 100,000,000 populations, The military only have 45,000,000 personal.

Y/N: That's a little OP.

Rick: Your level are 9,999,999.

Y/N:.... true.

Rick: Also daddy, Many other nations will see our land.

Y/N: Are they going to be friendly or hostile?

Rick: Let's making..... both.

Y/N: Ok, I don't want any woman coming near me, Including lolis has I have Female magnet. Some will fall in love with me. I don't what the FBI know my location.

Rick: Ok daddy.

To be continue


Next Chapter 2

???: Mr. President, Unknown ship approaching.

???: You guys demi-humans.

???: Well, Joining the war is going to be easy.

City builder in another world (Male reader city builder x harem)Where stories live. Discover now