[ 33 ] We're the Same, Gally

Start from the beginning

She knew what that goal was-the complete opposite of what Thomas was trying to accomplish.

They wanted to stay in the maze. The place they called home. The only home they've ever known. She understood, she really did, the thought of entering a world they knew nothing about was terrifying. Sickening. It made her stomach churn in the most awful way.

Evony didn't know if she would be able to take it if she didn't have her friends to rely on. They were a fall back for her. Like a soft pillow she could crash on at the end of a long day. They were her only true comfort, without them the world wouldn't radiate colors like it did.

It would only be shades of gray.


Evony, Thomas, Minho and Max were in the map room. The remaining runners, she thought to herself. Besides Aaron-who was now technically considered a runner, but she didn't want to count him.

With the help from Minho and Max, the cover of the maze display was lifted from the table. Underneath revealed a replica of their Glade and all of the walls surrounding it.

"Well," Max said, voice void of any emotion, "There it is. Our pride and joy."

He gestured to the maze with one hand, falling into a post to rest his back on it. Minho and Evony glanced at each other in response to the boy's uninterested sigh.

They didn't know where to start either.

Thomas on the other hand, and bless them that his personality made him this way, urgently leaned forward into the table. His eyes set firmly onto the several pointed sticks, studying the design with careful intentions. While this was only one of the hundred times he's seen this replica, he was still examining it like how he'd done the first time.

Evony knew there was always a certain awh in Thomas' eyes when he saw things that excited him. She sometimes felt like he was a dog, getting overly thrilled at the most pointless of subjects.

She couldn't lie. It was cute.

"Look, guys," Thomas began, speaking reluctantly, "I know you said we have to keep this between us, but don't you think the Gladers would understand more if we showed them what we know?

Minho scoffed, "You want us to tell them we have no way out? That after three years we're still coming up short on a way to save our damn lives? Funny joke, shortie. Next idea."

"Who shat in your shoe?" Max questioned back, non-humorously despite the playful words.

"Don't be a shuck face," Minho snapped back, "It's not a good look on you."

The two boys went silent.

Evony hated the tension that was still hovering over them from the ordeal with Ben. Even though he was gone now, and they had taken their sentiment to his death, they still had complications when it came to their love triangle.

"This isn't the time," she stated calmly, turning her attention to Thomas. They needed everyone to be collaborative with each other if they were going to escape from this prison. "I understand what you mean, but showing them our map would just freak them out more."

"It was Albys called," Minho backed up, "People needed to believe we had a chance of getting out." He paused, his eyes flickering between her and Thomas. "...but maybe now we have a real chance."

He leaned forward, closing in on the table.

"Take a look at this. About a year ago, we started exploring these outer sections. We found these numbers printed on the walls. Sections 1 through 8. See, the way it works, is every night, when the maze changes... it opens up a new section. So today, Section 6 was open. Tomorrow, it will be 4, then 8, then 3. The pattern always stays the same."

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