Chapter 1

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Maddie's POV

I was extremely excited. Today dad was going to talk to us about who's going to be the next king. Tommy came out of his room and we went downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. Wil and Techno were sitting on either side of dad. I went and sat next to Wilbur while tommy ran all the way around the table to sit next to Techno. We had received our breakfast (pancakes) when dad called for our attention. 

'Kids, as you know Wilbur and techno turn 16 tomorrow. That means that they will both be eligible for king after I pass away. Since techno is the oldest he will take the throne next-' He started before being interrupted by Techno.

'Actually Phil I-I don't want to be the next king. I'm honoured but I would like to be a general. My expertise is in fighting for our kingdom not ruling it'

'Oh ok that's fine so Wil looks like you're gonna be the next ki- oh not you too' dad tried to continue before looking up from the table and meeting Wilbur's brown eyes.

'Sorry father I want to pursue my music'

'That's fine I guess'

'Wait since both Techno and Wilbur don't want to be the next king does that mean I'm the next heir?' I perked up. I was the older twin after all.

An uncomfortable silence fell as dad, Techno and Wilbur all exchanged glances.

Finally Tommy broke the silence.

'No you can't be the next king. Its only for boys. Only boys can be kings. Right dad?'

Dad looked up at me and tommy looking between us both as if making a hard decision.

'Tommy is correct. Girls are not able to be rulers. Sorry Maddie'

His sad eyes met mine.

I threw back my chair, stood up and shouted 'B-BUT THATS NOT FAIR! IM OLDER THAN HIM THAT MEANS IM THE NEXT HEIR NOT HIM!'

Wilbur got up from his chair and held my arm to try to calm me down.

I shook him off and stormed away to my room slamming the door behind me so loudly that it rang through the castle.

Wilbur POV [swearing warning]

I heard the door slam behind her and turned around.

'Pardon my language father but what the actual fuck?!' I stormed towards him.

Techno jumped over the table and grabbed my arm. 'Calm down Wil'

'Why can't she be the next ruler. I love him but Tommy wont be able to manage it. She has so many ideas in her head while Tommy is focused on talking to the people. He's a friend to the people not the prince or the heir. A friend. She would actually sit through the bloody accounting and political meetings that you have to endure. Its unfair and hella sexist. If you make Tommy the next ruler you will loose her as a daughter and you'll loose my respect for you as well Phil'

I removed Techno's hand from my arm and walked towards the doors letting them slam behind me. I could hear techno trying to convince him to at least consider Maddie for next ruler and Tommy's protests as I ascended the stairs and headed to Maddie's room.

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