Maybe twenty minutes...?

Screw it, she'll just take the bus...conveniently, there is a bus stop nearby.

Nene sat down at the bus stop.

The bus hopefully wouldn't take too long, or it would be too late by the time she got on to go to Tsukasa's house.

Out of boredom, she opened her phone and began to play some video games.

Video games always helped Nene pass the time whenever she needed it.


She heard a loud sound, and turned off her phone to see the bus pulling up in front of her.

Nene quickly got on the bus and hoped it could drop her off somewhere near Tsukasa's house.


The bus got off in an area near the Scramble Crossing.

From here, Tsukasa's house would only be about 8 minutes away on foot.

Nene hopped off the bus and thanked the driver.

a/n: pls excuse how many time skips there are holy


Nene finally arrived outside Tsukasa's house. 

Just to scare him again, she took out her phone and texted him

stupid guy🌟

nene 🤖: I'm outside your house

nene🤖: again

stupid guy🌟: STOP DOING THAT ONFG 😭

nene🤖: no I'm making it tradition 😁

stupid guy🌟: fine I guess I'll come let you in 

Nene shut down her phone and came to Tsukasa's door just as he opened it.

She stepped in without speaking a word, and went up Tsukasa's stairs.

"Hey..! Your— your not even going to greet me or anything?!" Tsukasa said, catching up to Nene.

"Nope, we're getting down to business," Nene said, entering Tsukasa's room.

"I— okay," Tsukasa said, seeming to realize arguing was pointless.

"So," Nene said, taking a seat on the side of Tsukasa's bed, "you said you had some updates? About Rui I'm guessing?" 

Tsukasa nodded and took a seat at the chair at his desk and swivelled around to face her, "yeah.. some pretty weird things actually..."

"I'm listening," Nene nodded, signaling Tsukasa to go on.

"Yesterday, I went over to Rui's house because he needed my help with on of his inventions... I must have fallen asleep at his house or something, because the next morning, I woke up at his house in his bed—"

"YOU SLEPT IN THE SAME BED AS HIM?" Nene interrupted.

"No!" Tsukasa said, blushing, "he was sleeping at his desk...we were not in the same bed."

"Oh. Boring," Nene said, pretending to yawn.

"You said you have some updates! Let's see how interesting those are!" Tsukasa said defensively, not even continuing his story.

"Well, me and Emu went on a date!" Nene said confidently.

"Huh?!? have you made more progress than me?!?" Tsukasa said.

He seemed to think this was some competition to see who could get a date first.

"Well... it was basically a date...but she didn't really know it was a date," Nene admitted.

"Aha! So it doesn't count because she didn't see it as a date!"

"I'm not finished," Nene said, "I think um, I think we had an indirect kiss?"

"A what?" Asked Tsukasa, confused.

Really? He didn't know what it was?

"I guess ill explain basically, you have a spoon right? If one person puts their mouth on the spoon and then gives it to another person, it's like the persons lips are on there, so when the other puts their mouth on it, it's like their kissing, but not really," Nene said.

"I wouldn't say that counts as a kiss...we are still 0 to 0!" Tsukasa said, crossing his arms.

"Hm, no," said Nene standing up.

"What do you mean...according to you none of us have had any meaningful moves— although I think my update certainly meant something—according to you we are still 0 and 0," Tsukasa said, watching Nene get up.

"We are 0 to 0 on that, but not...Flick Wars!" Nene said flicking Tsukasa's head.

"Huh!?! That's so not fair!! I wasn't ready—hey you get back here!" Tsukasa got out of his chair and chased Nene again.

Nene took the same route as last time, down the stairs and behind the couch.

"Ah, this again," Tsukasa said, catching up to her.

"The score is now 8 - 3– try harder," Nene laughed.

"Oh, I will.." Tsukasa suddenly rolled over the couch and barreled into her.

"Haha!! Flick," Tsukasa said, proudly flicking Nene's forehead.

Nene kicked Tsukasa's face and he fell back.

"Hey not fair, not fair! You hurt me!" Tsukasa said, acting like an angry six year old.

"Stop being a baby, Tsukass," Nene said, rolling her eyes, "I'm still winning, anyway," she added.

"Whatever...I'm still in the process of making that come back, you know!" Tsukasa said.

Nene glanced at the clock in Tsukasa's kitchen, it was seven thirty.

"Yikes, it's pretty late. I should head home now, see you...Tsukass," Nene said, annoying him with the nickname.

"Oh your going to be sorry you ever called me that one day..." Tsukasa said as she put her shoes on.

Nene headed out the door without another word, and began her way home.

why did it take me a frin week to write that wtf sorry for all of these late updates I'll try be more decent 😞😞

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