Chapter twenty: Together again (2)

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After eating breakfast with George at the new restaurant I went over to visit Sharon as I wait for clubbing time.

Sharon: I'm really glad you came over bestie, I'm at the verge of giving up, the stress is just too much. I don't even know when I last slept or ate. I need sleep and food now

Esther: What you also need is fun baby girl, have you ever thought of hiring a babysitter even if it's just for today

Sharon: I want to do that but I don't think I'm ready to, you know I have a new born, I can't allow a babysitter breastfeed my daughter, I just can't.

Esther: That's right. You know what, I and George is clubbing tonight, he said he has a surprise for me but I don't want to worry too much about it. I'm saying this because I want you to come along with us to club, pump your breast milk for Anne, I'm calling a babysitter.

Sharon: You really don't have to babes

Esther: Come on now, the club is at 9pm and it's just 1pm, pump your break milk, I'll set the food for the other kids. Don't forget to pick out your best dress and then you can sleep, I'll wake you up two hours before we leave.

Sharon: You're the best (kiss my cheek)

Esther: (smiles)

I'm glad I was able to convince Sharon to club with me

Esther: I have set out the food for Jack and Jane, the babysitter will be here by 8pm. I also told her it's an all night babysitting.

Sharon: Alright, how much did she agree?

Esther: She said fifty pounds but I reduced it to forty pounds. Trying to make millions of us

Sharon: (Laughs)

Esther: Is the milk ready?

Sharon: Yes, yes

Esther: Alright go to bed, I'll set alarm for when to wake you. To not disturb you, I'm taking the kids to the park

Sharon: You guys have fun, the stroller is in their room

Esther: Alright. Jack and Jane, come over here, we are going to the park

Jack and Jane: Yayyy

We left to the park and after hours of staying at the park, I took them to my house because I didn't want to disturb Sharon

George: Who do we have here? (Throw Jack in the air and caught him)

Jack: (Giggles) do it again, do it again

Jane: Don't forget me

George: Of course I won't forget you (he threw them each at the air and caught them)

I smile as I watch George play with the kids, he is going to be a great dad, the way he play with them is gentle and fun, the kids really loves him. I took Anne to the room because she was already sleeping and got back downstairs

Esther: Sharon agreed to go clubbing with us, she is asleep that's why the kids are here.

George: Understandable. She must be deeply asleep now and even grateful she has you

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