Chapter three: The visit

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After the 'date' with George, I hurried home to clean my house and my room because it was a little untidy, I'm not a messy girl but sometimes i feel too lazy to do anything so as I clean the house, my phone rang, it was my best friend, Sharon.

Esther: Hey girl, pa ra pa?

Sharon: pa pa pa (we laughed), how are you?

Esther: I'm great

Sharon: No wonder you're cleaning, are you expecting anyone? Oooh tell me, tell me

Esther: Calm, calm. Yes I'm expecting someone but it's not a date or anything, he is just visiting as a friend, I met him in the park, the meeting is not something to talk about haha

Sharon: As a friend indeed, tell me about the meeting (she chuckled)

Esther: okay, okay, I was about to leave to the water side and I accidentally bumped him causing me to hit my forehead really hard, I was a little rude to him when he offered to give me ice to cool it but I regret it, everything is fine now, can you not judge me in the rude part? (I said foolishly)

Sharon: what are we best friends for, of course I'll judge you, haha. It's not surprising that you were rude to him haha

Esther: shut up (I said laughing) Also the guy is a hottie, he's got cute smile and guess what?

Sharon: what? Just tell me

Esther: He is rich

Sharon: ooh, don't empty his pocket for him, I know you well

Esther: shut up girl, I won't. Alright I got to go, I will see you soon. Love you, mean it.

Sharon: Alright girl. Hate you, kidding.

We ended the call and I rushed to the store to get some ingredients for cooking, I'm not a great cook but I learnt from the best, my mom. I can't wait to see her during holiday,we have a lot to talk about haha.

I got back home and while cooking I was blasting to music, dancing as I cook also singing along. I have set alarm for when George is coming so when I finished cooking I went to get dressed, I put on something comfortable and suddenly my door bell rang, I peeped to see who it was, George. I opened the door and we hugged.

Esther: Come in, welcome.

George: Thanks, wow your house is just like you, perfect and beautiful and even smell great.

Esther: aww thanks George, sit let me go get the food, I made pasta with meatballs and I bought your favourite wine, red wine.

George: Thank you Estee

Esther: (Estee, a nickname already) aww that's a good nickname George. Thank you (I left to go get the food)

George: Smell great, I bet it taste great (he said flirty)

Esther: (I chuckled as I went to get glass cup)

George: it taste great, I love it Esther

Esther: Aww thank you George, it was quick to make. (I pour out wine for us) now I see why you love red wine, it's great together with the food

George: I know right, so tell me why do you live alone? Having problems with family?

Esther: Not at all, I just had to leave for privacy and freedom haha but my parents help me with the rents and bills sometimes

George: That's nice, well you have me now, you won't need them to pay anything for you

Esther: that's soo nice of you George, thank you

George; Anytime gorgeous, by the way this food is delicious, I know I have said it before, I just want to say it again

Esther: Thanks George, I actually learnt it from my mom. She is a great cook.

George: Great, do you bond well with your family?

Esther: I do, I really do. Not to boast.

George: it's alright haha, I bond real well with my mom, my dad is nothing to talk about.

Esther: oh I'm sorry George, I really am.

George: It's alright. Thanks for the meal once again, you're amazing.

Esther: Thank you (I said packing the plates)

George: let me help you, you sit and relax.

Esther: I'd prefer we do it together, it's faster.

George: that's right.

We did the dishes together, it was fun, played with bubbles and did a little booping the nose with soap, it was fun and perfect. Everything felt like we were dating but sadly we're not.

George stayed with me soo long that I didn't realise that it was already 11pm

Esther:Oh my God, George. It's 11:15pm

George: I know

Esther: what do you mean? Are you not going to leave?

George: Do you want me to leave?

Esther: No, I mean it's too late to stay.

George: It's alright Esther, calm down. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I want to stay one more night, please?

Esther: Oh, umm okay, I mean I don't see another reason why you should leave

George: Thank you (he said putting his head on my lap)

Oh my God, George is staying over and with me, imagine if he falls asleep while like this on my lap. He is soo cute.

We continued watching The office and the next thing I know is, I was asleep with George on my lap.

The next morning, I looked around to see that George wasn't there, he probably left and he even took me to my bed and covered me up. Well he respectfully left but suddenly I heard a voice, it was George.

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