Chapter six: Finally my boyfriend, yay (2)

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After months and almost a year of being with the world perfect boyfriend, George surprise me almost all the time, breakfast in bed, date night, game night, we even rented a bike like George promised, it was beautiful. The view I wake up to every day is perfect, I can't get over it, I can never be tired of that view. I don't want anything to come between me and George,I love him, my best friend like him for me, I can't wait for him to meet my parents today.

George: Are you sure about me meeting your parents? I mean what if they don't like me

Esther: What are you saying? Of course they will love you

George: Alright then, let's do this

Esther: Don't be nervous, my parents aren't strict, they are easygoing

George: I'll try not to be nervous

We said as George drove my parents house, I didn't tell them I was coming, I wanted it to be a surprise. They love surprise.

Esther: We're here babe, let me give you a kiss that means you can do it (I said kissing him)

George: Thanks babe, I love you soo much. (He kiss me back)

Esther: I love you too. Here goes nothing (I said after pressing the bell)

My mom opened the door and was really happy, she happily called for dad who came the second he heard her call.

Mom: Look who we have here, oh my God darling, how have you been?

Esther: Great mom, what about you guys?

Mom: We've been great too, who did you bring with you? What's his name?

Esther: Mom this is George, he is my boyfriend

Mom: Wow, he's gorgeous. You have good eye like me baby girl (she said smiling at dad who smiled back and kissed her)

Esther: You guys?

George: Haha, you're parent are amazing Esther.

Dad: So tell me about you George

George: I'm George, I'm 24 and I work in a bank, I sometimes work as a gym coach.

Dad: Wow, that's great. Esther where did you find this guy? Are you sure he is not a robot? (My dad said laughing, we laughed along) I'm joking George

George: It's alright sir

Mom: So tell me, what do you like about Esther?

George: I love everything about her, she cook great but won't admit that she's a great cook. She made pasta with meatballs when we met the second time, she told me she learnt from the best, you. (He said smiling)

Mom: Haha, that's right. Her dad loves my cooking soo much, I don't even remember when last we ate in a restaurant.

Dad: Who needs a restaurant, when I've got one at home? (He said teasing mom)

Mom: I love you soo much

Dad: I love you too wifey

George/Esther: Aww, that's cute.

George: I love how you guys bond together, what's the secret? haha

Mom: Trust and great listening, he's a good listener and I have never once saw him cheating, we have had arguments but never let that affect our perfect marriage. I know you and Esther would be great together, are you ever going to propose to her?

Esther: Mom? Stop

George: It's alright Esther, yes Mrs, I'll propose to her but not now. We're taking things slow

Mom: Don't overdo the slowing things, or else you might never get married.

George: Haha, we will take care of that. Thank you.

Meeting my parent was the best thing we have done together, I don't know if George would be comfortable with me meeting his family.

Esther: Alright mom, we will take our leave now

Mom: What? No

Dad: that's right, why are you leaving? Spend one more day with us, we miss you

Esther: I'm coming during Christmas mom, That's in two months mom. Also George is coming along, right George?

George: Of course

Mom: Alright then, let's me pack some food for you guys

Esther: Mom? Alright then.

I left George to continue talking with my dad while I go to the kitchen to assist my mom.

Mom: why don't you want to stay Esther? Don't you miss us?

Esther: I miss you guys mom but this is a surprise visit, we would definitely come for Christmas mom, I promise.

Mom: If you say so. Is George really comfortable with spending Christmas with us? I mean what about his family?

Esther: He doesn't bond really well with them, only with his mom.

Mom: Oh okay, what about his dad? Why doesn't he bond well with him?

Esther: He never tell me, he just say "it's nothing to talk about" and I stopped asking

Mom: what? That's not the girl I raised, you should ask him, that way you know he can confide in you, give him that assurance that when he tells you, he wouldn't regret it. Do that, Esther.

Esther: Alright mom, I'm going to miss you.

Mom: I'll miss you too (we hug and left to meet George and dad who is bonding really good)

Mom:(whisper to me) he probably think of your dad as his dad now, that's a great thing you know?

Esther: (whisper back) yes mom.

Mom: Alright George (pulls him for a hug) be good to my daughter

George: I will, I promise. Also your husband is a great man, babe you're a lucky girl. (He stood up, getting ready to leave)

Esther: Aww thank you

Dad: Alright you guys, we are going to miss you soo much. Don't forget to call us

Esther: we won't

We hugged each other as we said goodbye to them, it was a great moment. I really hope the relationship last till Christmas because I already promised mom, we will both be there for Christmas. We drove back home.

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