Chapter thirteen: New boyfriend

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After Sharon set me up with someone, he asked me out and of course I said yes, I just needed to clear George of my mind, I called Sharon to tell her how the date went.

Esther:Hey girl

Sharon: You're blooming, did the date go well?

Esther: Haha thanks. Yes the date went well and also umm he asked me out

Sharon: What? That's not what we discussed. I mean I told him you're not ready to be in a relationship yet

Esther: You did? Anyways I said Yes I'll be his girlfriend

Sharon: Is that what you want? I don't want you crying over another guy

Esther: Yes that's what I want and also isn't that the whole reason why you set me up with him

Sharon: I guess. You should be careful girl, don't do anything that will make him regret dating you

Esther: What are you insinuating? Anyways George came for his things

Sharon: When?

Esther: Yesterday, that's why I was late.

Sharon: That jerk, so his things are not with you anymore?

Esther: it's still with me, I told him to come back for it

Sharon: Are you serious? Do you want Tom to see George?

Esther: What's wrong with Tom seeing George and by the way me and George are no longer a thing, also Tom needs to know about George, you know

Sharon: Why?

Esther: I don't know, maybe to know that he is my ex

Sharon: How would you feel if Tom introduce you to his ex?

Esther: Don't reverse this on me. Tom and I will be fine, if George comes for his things, I'll give him and I won't have anything of George again

Sharon; This seem like a bad idea but since you know what you doing, it's alright

Esther: Thank you. So how are you?

Sharon: I'm good, Matt is surprising me tonight. I just have to be ready for the surprise haha

Esther: What if he is proposing?

Sharon: Haha, I'm only 24 Esther

Esther: I know, it's not marriage, it's proposal. I have seen people who were engaged for three years

Sharon: If it's a proposal I'll tell you and you have to come immediately

Esther: Haha, will do.

Sharon: Alright babes. I'm happy you're happy, be good to Tom

Esther: I will

Sharon: Bye. Love you, mean it

Esther: Bye. Hate you, kidding (end call)

Sharon is the best and I'm glad I have her. I really hope Matt propose to her, they are perfect for each other and aww, they will have cute babies. She is a lucky girl.

I lay on my bed scrolling down on Instagram and I received a notification 'Tom.5' has requested to follow you, I accepted the follow and he sent me a message.

Tom: Hey beautiful

Esther: Hey handsome

Tom: 😄, how are you doing?

Esther: I'm doing great, what about you?

Tom: Same same, are you doing anything today?

Esther: I'm working in the evening

Tom: oh okay

Esther: Any problem

Tom: I actually wanted to take you out today but it's alright, you've got work.

Esther: it's not until 6pm and it's just 12'o clock, I can go out with you today

Tom: Okay good. I'll come pick you

Esther: See you 😊

I got ready to go out with Tom, I was nervous at first because I barely know him. I heard the door bell ring and hurried to go answer and it was Tom.

Tom: You look great

Esther: Thank you, you look good

Tom: Thanks, are you ready to go?

Esther: Where are we going?

Tom: To a restaurant but it's an all you can eat restaurant

Esther: A buffet restaurant? Sounds fun

Tom: It is. Come on, let's go

Tom drove to the restaurant when we got there, I saw something that made me sad, George with a girl. I know I wasn't supposed to be sad, I mean, I'm also on a date with someone.

Tom: What's wrong? You don't like this place?

Esther: Oh I do, it's just that... you know what, let's go somewhere else

Tom: Why? You said you love the place

Esther: Okay fine, my ex boyfriend is here and he is with someone, I know I'm not supposed to be sad but I am. I'm soo sorry

Tom: It's alright, I completely understand. We can go somewhere else or we could just go to another line

Esther: That's better, Thank you.

Seeing George with another girl really hurt me, I would have thought she was his sister but George doesn't have any siblings so she's probably his new girlfriend.

I spent my entire time in that place avoiding George and thanks to Tom, it was a success.

Tom: They left

Esther: Okay good, thank you.

Tom: Do you want to take the food to your house instead?

Esther: Is that okay?

Tom: Sure. Anything to make you better

Esther: Aww okay

We got home after we've taken the food we want, Tom was really understanding and easy with me, I guess he knows what it's feels to be heartbroken.

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