Chapter fourteen: I still think of you

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Things has been going smoothly between me and Tom and I love that for us but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about George, everything Tom did reminded me of George, because George was my first boyfriend, I was really affected. Even one day when me and Tom was cooking dinner together.

Tom: I really love cooking with you, you make it fun.

Esther: Haha, fun in what way?

Tom: Every way, especially when you try to throw the onions and salads and slice it at the same, haha

Esther: (chuckled) My ex boyfriend taught me that

Tom: Nice. Do you miss him?

Esther: What? No, I don't  (I lied)

Tom: It's okay if you do, it's kind of hard to miss your ex especially if they are your first

Esther: What about you?

Tom; what do you mean?

Esther: I mean do you mean your ex girlfriend? I heard from Sharon that you broke up with her months ago

Tom: I don't really miss her but I have you now so she is a past

Esther: Right. George is also a past then

Tom: Good

I felt really bad and terrible for lying, a part of me still need George, I miss him, I miss hearing his voice, his laughter and his cute smile, I miss everything and while thinking about George, I didn't realise that I was crying until Tom pat me.

Tom: Are you okay? You're crying

Esther: Omg, am i? Was i? (I quickly wiped my tears) I'm okay, don't worry about me

Tom: Why shouldn't I worry? Tell me, were you thinking about your ex?

Esther: No I wasn't, maybe it's from the cooking. You know, it's heating up my eyes

Tom: You couldn't think of another thing, seriously? Just be honest, Esther

Esther: I'm being honest, I'm not thinking about George

Tom: Alright. If you say so.

Esther: Yes, thank you.

I wouldn't do anything to hurt Tom, I don't even want to let the fact that I still think of George affect me and Tom relationship. I seriously need to stop thinking about George, he is a past now. Right? I need help.

I searched online for therapists near me, after almost an hour of searching I found one "Dr Suzan" and decided to message her.

Esther: Good evening, I'm soo sorry to disturb you but can I know if you would be available tomorrow, My Name is Esther Donald and I'm 21 by the way.

I don't expect Dr Suzan to reply me quickly because I mean she is probably busy so I left the app and went to watch some movies while I waited for her to reply me back.

Seconds, minutes and hours passed but she didn't reply my message then I decided to try another Therapist "Dr Mike" I sent him the same message that I sent to Mrs Suzan and within five minutes he replied me back

Dr Mike: Good evening Miss Esther. I'm not busy tomorrow morning so it's okay if you could come tomorrow and also you're not disturbing me

Feeling really excited I texted him back

Esther: Omg thank you, thank you. I can come tomorrow. What time?

Dr Mike: 11am if possible

Esther: Sure, thank you.

I guess Mrs Suzan was too busy and that's why she couldn't reply my message anyway I have Dr Mike to pour out my problems to

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