Chapter 2 - the ride

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Yuni gazed outside the car window, never seeing anything so wondrous before. Only 2 hours passed by and she was already feeling nervous. 

"Yuni, how old are you?" the police woman with braids stated softly. Yuni glared up behind the woman's seat, shaking fearfully.

"..erm," Yuni replied hesitantly.

"You're safe, don't worry darling!" she took her words and tried speaking up confidently but she couldn't find the courage for it.

"When's your birthday perhaps?"

"I never celebrated it," Yuni snapped feeling anxious, she could even see the police woman's reaction.

"Oh, i'm so sorry, dear.." she responded, softly. Yuni continued to look outside her window, lush lavender flowers blew in the breeze and huge trees waved at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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