Chapter 1 - past

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TW: shouting, fighting

at the age of 4, Yuni glared at her parents
actions. She thought it was acting from the TV she watched. She started clapping for them but in return, she had a slap in the face by her mother.

"Shut up, you monster!" she screamed.
Yuni didn't understand what she said, but she knew it was something bad. Tears started to sail down her cheeks. She ran to her room and weeped.

After a while, her father came in. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, sighing. Yuni glared at him with teary eyes.
"I'm sorry little bud, this is it." He whispered, quietly so his wife wouldn't hear. Yuni rubbed her eyes.

"What are you talking about Daddy?" she questioned. He sighed again as he held a few papers. Yuni was already bewildered.

"Me and Mommy will not be able to see each-other again..." he dolefully whispered. Yuni's eyes widened.

"Will i stay with you, Daddy?" she snapped.

"No." that was this last answer before he left the room.

"But, Daddy! Where will i go?" she cried. There was no reply. She teared up again and huddled, tightly with her penguin plushie. She heard them shouting loudly again and thats when she had enough. She quickly bashed her bedroom door open, which made a huge bang noise.

"Mommy, Daddy, why are you both fighting! I heard too much and i don't like it!" she screamed loudly as possible. She could feel the eyes of her parents watching over her.

"You disgust me, child!" the mother screamed at her. Yuni had enough.

"You never loved me, but i loved you! how could you be so mean!!". Silence filled the room. Her mother glared at her with anger in her eyes.

"Honey, lets go.." The mother pushed the father out the door.

"What about me mommy?" Yuni questioned. There was no reply.


After a few hours of Yuni's time alone, she heard the police sirens outside her window. She gazed at the cars and wiped her tears. She rushed to the front door and reached for the door handle to let the police in.

"Are you Yuni?" a police lady asked her. Yuni nodded with a bit of fear.

"Don't worry, we've got something special for you." the lady placed her hand, gently on Yuni's shoulder.

"Now, go and get all your belongings in your suitcase, I'll be waiting here, darling". Yuni nodded and rushed to her room. Was she finally able to go outside? Yuni packed her things excitedly and ran down the stairs rapidly.

"Would you like me to carry your luggage?" The lady asked.

"yes please." Yuni replied.

" Yuni replied

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useless child // TWWhere stories live. Discover now