Satoshi: your mother...... she's in trouble...

Hitohito: what happened to mom?!

Satoshi: find....... her.

Hitohito: dad?....... dad!

30 minutes earlier.

Satoshi and Jeanne were driving back home after work, Satoshi had a stressful day but he was happy, and go home to his family.

Jeanne: everything okay dear?

Satoshi: of course why wouldn't I be?

Jeanne: you seem stressed did something happened at work?

Satoshi: nothing really-

Jeanne: Satoshi we've been married for a long time I know when you lie to me.

Satoshi: haha that's true, well ever since our company was acquired by NaokiCorp there's been a lot of layoffs.

Jeanne: oh dear.

Satoshi: it's fine, I still have my work but I feel bad for the rest.

Jeanne: I'm sure everything will work out just fine.

Satoshi: yeah you're right, how about I make dinner tonight?

Jeanne: sounds fantastic-gasp- SATOSHI WATCH OUT!

Satoshi: what?


Satoshi was too slow to realize the van that was coming to his right way. While driver hit the brakes it was too late it made impact with the vehicle and knocked Satoshi unconscious. Jeanne however did not recieve any damage from the impact, but things were not going to get better.

A group of armed gangsters got out of the van, some of them had swords and the others had gun.

Goon 1: dammit that stupid car got in out way.

Goon 2: well you drive like shit no wonder you crashed.

Goon 3: you can argue later for now we have to escape from the police.

Goon 1: I have an idea.

The goon approached to the car and took Jeanne.

Jeanne: let me go! Help!

Satoshi: Jeanne!!

As much as he wanted to, Satoshi couldn't move he was very injured from the crash to move, he could only see how they took away her wife.

Back to the present.

Guardian arrived at the scene of the accident. Satoshi was getting on an ambulance. He stopped the paramedics for a few seconds.

Satoshi: wait wait....

He looked at Guardian his son.

Satoshi: please..... save my wife...

Guardian: I will you have my word.

After that the ambulance took Satoshi, now Guardian had the priority to find his mother.

Guardian: Mike come in.

Mike: Tadano? What's wrong?

Guardian: I need your help. Can you check into the cameras in the city?

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