Chapter 31

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Manik's pov

I heard my phone ringing making me groan, I tried feeling the phone up on the night stand and feeling it against my hand I grabbed it and put it to my ear


"Manik malhotra"

"Speaking, who is this"

"This is dominos, we have been standing outside your house for so long"


"Mr malhotra"

"Cabir what the hell, I was sleeping man" I groaned recognizing his voice

"Hahahaha speaking hahaha" he laughed mimicking me

"What man"

"Just wanted to ask you something"

"About what"

"Nandini" hearing her name I opened my eyes to find myself in Nandini's arms.

My face was in her neck while my arm was on her stomach, hands under her t shirt. Myra's face was on her chest making me smile. Ahhh I cannot believe such a beautiful woman is my wife.

"Manikkkk" I heard cabir

"Shit, umm give me a second" he hummed

I moved nandini's arm from around me and kissing her and myra, I walked outside to the living room.

"Han bol"

"Is nandini around"

"No, is everything okay"

"No not at all"

"What is it" I asked sitting on the couch

"Umm her okay just hear me out before you react"

"Cabir just say it"

"Open the door first" he said confusing me

"What are you talking about"

"Navya and I are outside, open the door" he said so I walked to the door and opened it

Him and navya both looked pretty tense but I didn't ask any questions. They sat down and I sat beside them.

"Where is nandini and the little munchkin" he asked

"Sleeping, can you get to the point"

"Nandini's mom well step mom is looking for her and that's not a good thing"

"Hold up, how do you know this"

"I had tabs on her family members hoping I could find her"

"Her step mom" I questioned

"Yup so I need you to take her and myra somewhere, actually navya and I will come too"

"Come where" I heard nandini's voice

I looked up to see her rubbing her eyes walking towards us, she looked so cute, ahh I cannot even stop myself from smiling when I look at her.

"Come here shona" I said and she made her way to me flopping down in my arms

"Hi baby"

"Hi" she whispered

"Come where cabir" she asked and he looked at me with wide eyes

"Umm no where umm we were thinking about going somewhere like a trip"

"I thought you were kidding with the family honeymoon thing" she said

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