Demons and Angels

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Joshua was tending to the gardens in the courtyard of the Catholic Church in Sicily Italy early one morning.

He was softly humming to himself in Italian, his robes fitting tightly around his body, his abdomen quite large for a man of his age and body structure.

Joshua had suspected that he was pregnant, but it was impossible for that to happen, he was a man of God, he couldn't bare children, he had never slept in the same bed as anyone.

The thought only crossed his mind a few times over the past few months when he noticed changes in his body, all starting after casting a fertility demon from a young girl, afterwards, he had fainted, when he came to, he started feeling strange, but never thought much of it.

As he was tending to the courtyard flower beds, he started feeling twinges of pain, they would come and go and he would brush them aside as just faint cramps.

As time went on, however, they kept getting worse, until he finally collapsed to his knees as he felt a hard buildup of pressure, followed by a burst of liquids which resulted in him blacking out from the intense pain.

He soon came to after a while, finding himself in a room, he was happy that it was more private, allowing him to labor without the fear of someone judging him.

The bed he sat on was comfortable, he laid down long enough to rest for a moment before a hard contraction rippled through him.

A young woman, who seemed to be no older than 20, came into the room with a bowl of water and a washcloth.

The young woman smiled, she held an angelic glow around her.

Disoriented from the pain, Joshua looked toward the young woman curiously, not remembering if he had seen her before.

"I'm assuming you have questions, I can tell by the look on your face" she spoke with a soft and soothing voice, gently placing the washcloth over Joshua's head.

Joshua blinked his eyes a few times. "I have a few" he muttered.

"Who are you? Where am I?" he asked.

"My name is Angela, I brought you to a private place where you can labor safely" she answered.

He slowly nodded, moving so he could sit up, suddenly, he was gripped by a hard pain. "Ahh!" he cried.

"Shhh, breathe" she whispered soothingly, gently rubbing his shoulder.

He closed his eyes and slowly began to take deep breaths.

Angela was very comforting toward Joshua during his labor, he felt thankful that she was there with him.

When the contraction eased up and he was able to catch his breath, he sat down and looked at Angela curiously as she soaked a washcloth in cool water.

"How did you know about my labor? How is this happening?" he asked curiously.

She simply smiled. "I'm an angel, I could sense your pain and felt it was my duty to help and protect you, Joshua. You may not have been aware of it until now, but you are carrying twin infant demons but not to worry, they're completely harmless and will be born human" she explained.

He slowly nodded, now understanding everything and was able to put the rest of the pieces together.

When he had a full understanding of what was going on, he felt happy and content, knowing that he would be bringing two beautiful babies into the world, he felt a new sense of purpose.

For the next several hours, Joshua went through his labor and Angela comforted him.

It felt like an eternity before he finally felt ready to begin pushing.

She helped him into a position that would help speed up the process.

With him leaning against the bed on his knees, Angela helped him remove his robes so he was more comfortable, then she began to help him push.

"Okay, dear. Whenever you feel the need to push, push as hard as you can" she instructed.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded and began to push.

Angela rubbed his back soothingly as he pushed, keeping a close eye on his progress.

"Ahh!" he cried, burying his head in his arm.

"Shh, breathe, breathe" Angela whispered soothingly, rubbing his lower back.

He panted between each hard push.

Slowly, he could feel the baby moving down.

Eventually, Angela could see the baby's head. "Baby's head is just coming in, I know you can do it, darling" she encouraged.

Joshua was already exhausted, almost forgetting that he was carrying twins and would have to go through this process again.

Finally, after several minutes of pushing, Joshua gasped and reached his hand down to caress his baby's head. "Oh" he said softly.

"You're so close, almost there. Next contraction we'll have this baby out, okay? Catch your breath first" she whispered encouragingly.

He nodded, taking a few minutes to catch his breath, waiting for his final contraction, then he began to push again, giving in with all his strength.

Then finally, after several minutes, he gasped, feeling his firstborn baby slip out of him.

The baby wailed loudly, Angela was smiling as she wrapped the baby in a clean blanket. "Congratulations, a beautiful, healthy little girl" she handed the newborn over to him.

Joshua was amazed at how beautiful the little girl he had just given birth to was, he smiled and rubbed her tiny cheek. "Oh, hello baby" he whispered, feeling tears of joy rain down his cheeks.

He took a few minutes to bond with his baby girl before he felt the need to push again.

Thankfully, the twin didn't take much effort, being born within only a few pushes.

He had done it, successfully giving birth to twin girls.

Angela helped Joshua clean himself up, then cleaned the babies and helped him settle down in bed so he could comfortably feed them.

"I bless you with many years of healthy life, may your children grow strong and healthy" she placed a blessed seal on Joshua and the twin girls' heads, then she left.

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