Elevator birth

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It was supposed to have been an average day, Axel went to the store to pick up a few groceries, then went back to the apartment complex where he lived, just like any other day and got onto the elevator that would take him to the floor where he lived.

However, being almost a week overdue, it was a lot harder to get around, when he got on the elevator and pressed the button to the 3rd floor, the door closed, and the elevator started to move.

Suddenly, the elevator jolted, then stopped, the unexpected jolt nearly knocked Axel off his feet.

Axel regained his footing and held onto his stomach, now feeling a bit of pain, he closes his eyes and breathes through it.

When the pain finally eased, Axel pressed the button on the elevator for assistance, waiting for an answer, he felt the elevator jolt again and the lights flicker, he felt like he was going to have a panic attack.

He leaned against the wall of the elevator and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down as much as possible, if the situation weren't already bad enough, he was in labor.

Axel tried so hard not to panic, he called for help and pressed the help button in the elevator multiple times, but unfortunately, since the elevator wasn't working, neither were any of the buttons.

He'd have to wait for someone to help get the elevator running again and pray that his baby didn't decide it wanted to be born right then.

For the next 30 minutes, Axel paced back and forth inside the elevator, trying to calm his rapidly progressing labor and his kicking baby.

His labor pains grew more and more painful, at one point, he gasped and doubled over, feeling his water break, he looked down between his shaking legs.

"Oh god! Oh! This isn't good! Please baby, don't come yet, please" he cried, trying to rub the pain away from his stomach, but it was no use, his baby wanted to be born and he couldn't stop it.

No matter how hard he tried, he felt his baby's head drop down to his pelvis and try to crown against his wishes.

"Please baby, I'm begging you, give daddy some time to get home, please." he panted softly and tried to urge himself not to push, but his body was working against him and the need to push was overpowering.

He finally gave in and began to push, struggling to remove his pants and underwear, his baby didn't want to give him much time.

"Ohhh!" he cried, pushing with all his strength, a large bulge was forming in his halfway down pants and underwear, his baby's head was already starting to crown.

"Ohhh! Baby, please!" he cried, finally managing to remove his pants and underwear, he panted and looked down between his trembling legs, his baby's head was nearly halfway crowned, a head full of dark hair.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo. Ok... Ok... You're really coming, huh?" he said softly, caressing the top of his baby's head.

He closed his eyes and kept panting while gently pushing, he could feel the baby slowly inching more and more through the birth canal.

Luckily, he was only halfway through his delivery when paramedics arrived and rushed him into an ambulance.

"It's amazing how you managed to get the head halfway out by yourself" one of the paramedics said.

"Yeah, but we still gotta deliver this baby." Another paramedic said, tending to Axel.

"Spread those legs for me, sweetie and give me a nice big push, ok? Nice big push" she encouraged.

Axel nodded and did as he was told, thankful he was now on a gurney on his way to the hospital.

He spread his legs out wide and held them apart with his hands, then he began to push.

"That's it, nice big push" the paramedics encouraged, keeping an eye on Axel's progress, within only a few hard pushes, the baby's head was crowned completely.

Axel gasped when he felt it, panting several times to catch his breath, he pushed one last time and finally, his baby was born.

The baby cried loudly and the paramedics laid the baby boy against Axel's chest, who held his newborn son and panted heavily to catch his breath.

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