Royal birth

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Footsteps could be heard echoing through the halls of the grand castle, a maid was running to find the vampire king, Vincent, who was currently in his study, the wooden door abruptly opened, causing the vampire king to raise his head, curiosity shimmering in his ruby red eyes as he glanced at the frantic maid.

"My dear lady, whatever is the matter?" he asked, long, slender fingers lightly tapping against his wooden desk.

The maid bowed her head toward Vincent.

"Forgive me for the disturbance, my Lord, but I have urgent news, your mate has gone into labor" Vincent's eyes widened at the news.

"How long has he been in labor?" he asked, now very worried about his mate

"At least an hour, sire" The maid answered.

"And why hasn't anyone told me until now?" Vincent asked, feeling furious, he quickly stood up from his desk and made his way to his bedroom, as he walked down the hallway, he could hear his mate crying in pain, which caused him to quicken his pace.

"Xever! I'm here!" Vincent exclaimed, rushing to his mate's side.

Xever managed a small smile.

"Oh, Vincent, I-I'm so glad you're here, I was worried you were too busy to make it" he said softly.

Vincent shook his head and kissed his mate.

"Nonsense, I would never miss the birth of our baby" he said with a gentle smile, brushing some hair away from Xever's face.

Xever sighed in relief, leaning into Vincent's gentle touch.

Vincent held Xever's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, brushing his blond hair from his face.

Xever closed his eyes and leaned into Vincent's touch, he finally felt the urge to push "Vincent, I-I need to push" he whimpered.

"Shh, it's okay, my love, if you must push, go ahead" Vincent soothed, weaving his fingers through Xever's hair

It didn't take long before Xever had to push.

Xever panted between each push, bearing down as hard as he could.

"You're doing great, darling, beautiful" Vincent encouraged him, gently squeezing his hand.

"Oh! Oh, oh, oh" Xever groaned. "It hurts so much"

"Shh, I know, darling, but you're doing absolutely beautifully, I can see the head" Vincent kissed Xever's head and his knuckles.

"You're doing amazing, My Lord, big pushes, big pushes" the maid encouraged, handing Vincent a washcloth so he could wipe the sweat from Xever's brow.

Xever moans in pain, gripping onto Vincent's hand tightly as he pushes, he stops pushing to catch his breath.

"I need to get on my hands and knees" he says softly, not feeling any progress from the baby's head.

The maid and Vincent both nod, helping Xever sit on his hands and knees on the bed, the maid lays towels underneath him.

"Breathe, darling, breathe" Vincent whispered, rubbing Xever's back gently.

"Ah!" Xever cried, leaning against Vincent's chest, gripping his shoulders tightly.

"That's it, keep going, the baby is almost here" the maid said, getting a blanket really for the baby.

Xever gasped a few times, feeling the head slowly crown. "Oh!" he looked down between his trembling legs.

"S-she has so much hair" he said softly.

He panted softly through each contraction, allowing his body to work on its own, slowly pushing his baby out.

"She's crowning, the baby's crowning, you're so close" the maid smiled brightly.

"Nggh!" Xever groaned through his teeth.

"Her head is turning, just like it's supposed to, she's doing everything she's supposed to" the maid kept an eye on Xever's progress.

Xever reached his hand down to touch the baby's head, then looked up at Vincent. "She's so close" he said softly

With a few more hard pushes, the baby girl slid out of Xever and into the maid's arms, a loud cry filling the air.

"Here she is! Oh! She's beautiful!" the maid exclaimed, wrapping the baby girl in a blanket and handing her to Xever, who slowly turned around and leaned against Vincent's chest.

"Oh, look at her. Our beautiful baby girl" Xever awed, looking down at his newborn daughter cradled to his chest.

Vincent smiled proudly and kissed Xever's head. "I'm so proud of you, she's so beautiful" he whispered.

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