Grocery Shopping (Mature era) 😂

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Today, Michael wanted to go shopping and we needed groceries anyway, so after dropping the kids off at his mother's house, off to the store we went.

A friend of Michael's had closed the entire store for us to keep the paparazzi, the tabloids, and the fans away from us so we could do our shopping without worry or interruptions.

Michael was having fun riding on the shopping cart and he was having a blast.

Until he accidentally crashed into the fruit aisle.


Rows upon rows of oranges, apples, and peaches went everywhere.

"Michael, are you okay, man"?

The singer's friend asked, and then offered a hand to help him out.

Luckily, Michael wasn't hurt at all.

I shook my head while laughing and then continued to shop.


Michael and his friend were throwing a frisbee back and forth.

Then, I reached up and caught it in my hands.

"Throw it back, F/n"!

I grinned mischievously and then took off running.


Michael and his friend ran after me.

"Try and catch me if you can Applehead"!

I laughed, running into the bread aisle.

"I'm going to annihilate you F/n"!

Soon, an idea came to me.

As soon as Michael caught up with me, I took out a can of silly string and sprayed it on him.

"Aaaaah! Nooooo"!

Michael now had different colored silly string all over his clothes.


I pointed my finger and laughed at him.

A couple of Michael's other friends were laughing too.

Then, a lady came over with a can of whipped cream and she sprayed on his head.

Others employees came out with different ice cream flavors.

"Why me guys? This is my first shopping experience in 30 years..."

I was giggling at how cute looked.

Then, someone put a red cherry on top and that made the king of pop look even more adorable.

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