Camping (Dangerous era) ⛺️

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It was a perfect day outside and Michael was taking us out to go camping.

We had to pack our camping gear, and a set of clothes for the next day.

Once we were ready, we walked outside to the backyard.

We were camping outside because Michael couldn't find a public camping ground with a manager that would allow us to rent the entire area just to keep the media and the paparazzi away from us.

Because it was going to be warm in the evening, I brought a pair of pajama shorts and a spaghetti strap pajama tank top to change into when it was bedtime.

"I'm so excited to be camping with you, F/n".

Michael said as he watched me set out the camping stuff.

"Me too Applehead. I've actually never been camping before".

I said, and then laid out the mini campfire set, which was what we would be using to roast marshmallows and make s'mores whenever it got dark outside.

"Well, I don't think I've ever been camping, either. Not even with my family".

Michael smiled as he took out a bag that had something inside we needed.

It was our tent.

I watched as the singer dumped out everything on the ground in front of us.


Michael said out loud as he tried to think about what to do.

"I don't think setting up a tent on our own would be easy without an expert's advice".

I pointed to the all the stuff.

Then, Michael had an idea.

"I think I have a book about camping in my library. Wait here and I'll go look and see".

Michael speed-walked back to the house through the front door.

He went all the way to the Neverland Library.

Looking through the shelves, Michael tried to find the right book.

Lucky for us, the books were in alphabetical order, so after a few moments, he was able to find what he was looking for.

The title of the book read:

"Camping: A Reference Guide"

Michael excitedly went back outside to our camping spot.

"I found it"!

He called out to me.

I was grinning from ear to ear at the sound of his voice.


We both sat down on our lawn chairs that we brought with us.

"So, what does it say about setting up our tent"?

I asked, as the king of pop opened the book.

Michael looked at the index that was at the very back of the book.

And when he found it, he flipped through the pages until he made it to the topic that was all about tents.

After reading a few paragraphs, he picked up a mallet and gave it to me.

"This is the tool that we use to get the little hooks into the ground, so that our tent doesn't blow away in the wind".

Michael stuck the hooks into the ground and then I pulled the big string backwards to keep the tent upright.

After I used the mallet to hit the other strings and hooks into the ground, we both took a step back to look at our work.

"I think we've got it".

Michael grinned.

"Yay! We did it"!

I said cheerfully, and then gave him a hug, making him giggle a little bit.

Soon after that, the sun started to go down.

I crawled inside the tent to get our sleeping bags ready for when we go to sleep.

Then, I ran back inside real quick to grab the marshmallows, the graham crackers, and the chocolate that we needed for our s'mores.

When I came back with everything, I saw that Michael was trying to get our campfire started.

He was having trouble, though.

"You're supposed to use a tree branch to start the fire, silly".

I giggled, and then picked up two fallen branches and gave it to him.

Michael looked at it and frowned.

Then, he heard the birds chirping in the Giving Tree.

"I don't think it's a good thing to use this".


I asked in confusion.

"Because the animals that live in the trees won't have a home to live in".

He said, and then went over to the nearest tree and put the branch on the ground next to it.

I then noticed a red button on the side of the metal thing that we were using to make our campfire.

"What does that button do"?

I asked him.

"Oh, I forgot. It's an automatic campfire. Watch this".

Michael pressed the button and then a fire came to life.

It was covered with a non-flammable metallic material so that nothing would catch on fire.

"Cool! Now, we can roast our marshmallows".

Together, we both sat down on our lawn chairs in front of the fire.

I took a marshmallow from the clear plastic bag and gave it to Michael.

He put it on the end of his stick and then held it next to the fire, and I did the same.

Once our marshmallows were roasted and not-at-all burned, we each took a graham cracker and put our marshmallow on top of it.

Then, we took a piece of the Hershey's milk chocolate bar, and we put the piece of chocolate on the marshmallow and then we put another graham cracker on top of it.

After we smushed it all together, we each took a big bite.


Michael said in between bites.


I licked my lips after I ate mine.

Now, it was time to get ready for bed.

After we both put on our pajamas, we used some water to put the fire out.

Then, we went inside tent and crawled into our sleeping bags, where we fell asleep peacefully.

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