Meeting In the Garden Chap.4

Start from the beginning

you went over, she took your hand "you look beautiful, I'm sure the general will think so too"

your cheeks turned a little pink, your mother then released your hand "The General has presented himself to us already, he's awaiting to meet you in the gardens"

you felt a surge of anxiety, but then you took in a breath "alright"

you bowed to your mother and father before you took your leave, walking out the dining room and Maharet followed behind, "they said he's waiting in the garden"

Maharet clasped her hands together, "oh! wonderful"

you then stopped walking, placing your hands to your heart "Maharet...all of sudden I feel very nervous"

she touched your shoulder, "It's understandable, but take deep breaths princess all will be fine, and besides Lady Nilou told you what he's really like"

you nodded, she then gave you a reassuring smile and you gave a nod before you took in another deep breath, continuing to walk down the hall as you turned to the right, and after coming down another corridor you came to the doors to the gardens, and you pushed them open as you stepped outside, walking as your earrings clinked with each step 

you walked feeling your heartbeat go a little faster, inwardly you were nervous but on the outside you maintained your composure, you made your way to the fountains and there you saw him standing in front of It, his back was turned, upon hearing someone he turned around

you felt your heart skip a beat, and you felt a warmth rise on your cheeks, he had white hair that went a little past his shoulders, wearing a headdress with ears, he had on a black and purple outfit with a black cloak and some golden accessories, he had a very handsome face and his eyes, very fierce but they were like the sunrise that you'd see from the balcony

his eyes widened a little, and he felt a thumping in his chest as soon as he looked at you, his eyes softened, he started walking until he was a few feet away from you, he then got onto one knee

"your highness"

Cyno took your hand into his, pressing a kiss atop it and you felt your heartbeat quicken

you blushed, looking elsewhere "oh, please rise, General"

General Mahamatra looked to you, he then rose onto his feet "Alright"

you smiled, bowing your head "It's nice to meet you,"

Cyno did the same gesture, "no, it's my pleasure to meet you"

you then fiddled with your bracelet a little, "I...we're to be married soon"

Cyno looked to the side, "yes,"

you looked to him once more, his eyes were very much like the sunset and very entrancing, he did have a cold demeanor but also he had a warmth to him, but then he caught your gaze and you both gazed at each other for the moment, just as a gentle smile came to his lips 

your cheeks felt warm again, his smile was like thousands of suns and it was like you'd seen something no one else could, you brought your hands up to your chest as you smiled back

he then gestured, "would you care to walk with me,"

you nodded, and he offered his elbow before you took It and followed him through the palace gardens, and Cyno glanced over to you ever so often with a blush on his cheeks 

Cyno looked ahead, "that color is nice on you,"

you looked at your dress, you then blushed "thank you"

you then started, "I heard new soldiers have joined the royal armies, how are they"

"I can't say for certain, but they show promise and are very spirited"

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now