The Life of a Princess Chap.1

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you bid the servants good morning that passed by, and they smiled as they said their greetings back, you then made a right as you soon came to the Palace's dining hall, your parents were already sitting at the table, and your father was at the head of It as usual

you smiled, "Good morning, Father, Mother"

Queen Devika looked, she smiled "oh good morning dear,"

you went over to your mother's side, you hugged her and she gave your forehead a kiss, your father then beckoned you to come over and he did the same, before you went to go sit down

King Xavier turned, "the winds were loud last night, I thought It was raining"

"I heard It too, but it seemed to just be a windstorm perhaps," said Queen Devika

you looked out to the open window, "It would've been nice if It rained, It's been dry lately"

just then the royal cook came out of the kitchens, a few servants carried the breakfast dishes over to the table, there was an assortment of fruits, flat breads, eggs cooked in a tomato sauce, along with some steamed oat cakes and of course tea

"It looks wonderful," you said 

the Royal cook bowed, "you honor me Princess"

Maharet poured some tea into the golden cup, before handing It over to you, you thanked her before you blew on It to help cool It a little, you had a sip, 

your mother looked to you, "did you sleep well last night"

you nodded, "mhm"

you picked up a piece of the flatbread and had a bite, you then had some of the eggs and tomato sauce, Maharet asked which fruit you'd like, and you chose some of the grapes

King Xavier cleared his throat, "My flower, your mother and I have something we need to speak to you about"

Queen Devika quickly shook her head, and the king understood before he then stopped 

"we'll discuss It at dinner tonight" she said, finishing for him

you were confused, "alright"

you had some of the oat cake, it was very soft and lightly sweet, it was always one of your favorite things to have at breakfast, your father then started speaking about the latest meeting with his council, you didn't know too much in terms of the kingdom's politics and your parents made sure you didn't for your own good, you ate some of the grapes before you finished 

and you wiped your mouth with the cloth napkin, "Mother, Father may I be excused"

Queen Devika smiled, "of course, go on"

you stood up, you went to give them hugs before you left the dining hall and went to the palace gardens, they were open air and their was a beautiful fountain right In the center

you walked over to the fountain, looking into Its crystal-clear waters as you then sat on the stone edge, Maharet came over as she sat down next to you, just then you saw a bluish-purple bird flying over, and you smiled as you knew it was Iris, you held out your hand, and she landed onto your palm as you lightly touched her head 

"How are you today Iris"

she gave a sweet little tweet, you giggled as she perched onto your finger, Maharet came closer as she she stroked the birds back "this bird, I've seen It come around many times"

you smiled, "don't you remember Iris? I helped her to nurse her wing years ago"

Maharet started to recall, "oh that's right, how could I forget such a sweet little thing"

Iris then started to tweet a little more, you brought her closer as you stroked her head, Iris jumped from your finger and onto your shoulder,

just then you saw someone approach, it was the royal gardener Tighnari 

you smiled, giving a wave "good morning Tighnari"

he bowed with a smile "good morning your highness"

he twitched his ears as he came over, "ah, I see that bird returned again, it's been eating the seeds that I put out to plant with Its friends"

"I see, perhaps we should prepare a little feeder for Iris and other birds, so they won't go after your seeds from now on"

Tighnari nodded In agreement, "That's a great Idea, I'll go look for a suitable feeder In town and make sure It's always filled, thank you Princess"

you smiled, "It's nothing to thank really"

Tighnari smiled, "well, I best be off and see to the planting of the lotus for the new Indoor Pond"

you were surprised, "Indoor Pond?"

"Oh yes, the Queen wished for one to be added Inside the palace"

"I see, it sounds like It'll be lovely" you said

Tighnari bowed, "excuse me,"

he then left you and Maharet, you stood up just as Iris flew away and you started walking through the gardens, you went to go smell the Sumeru roses as their pleasant smell filled the air, Maharet started to pick one but you stopped her 

"Maharet, even If you pick one It'll wither away soon"

Maharet bowed her head, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me"

you brought her up, "please raise your head, I'm not angry at all you know me and know that I believe all life is important, even those of plants"

Maharet smiled, "I know"

you touched her shoulder, "and Maharet, we grew up together you don't have to be so formal with me"

"I've remembered, sorry It's just odd now that we're older, I feel like I have to be formal now"

you nodded, "Understandable, I don't mind but please do what makes you comfortable"

she smiled, giving you a hug and you hugged back before you continued walking around, and later on In the afternoon after lunch you were hard at work with your dance lessons 

your dance teacher was a little strict but lenient, her name was Rana

"Keep your chin up like this, point your foot like this"

you did as told, you then did a little rotation as Rana watched with her arms crossed, you did another spin as you then struck the pose, having your arms up

Rana gave a nod, "Well done Princess, you're Improving"

you smiled, wiping the sweat from your brow "thank you Lady Rana"

she bowed her head, "then, that's all for today your highness we'll resume tomorrow"

you nodded, you then sat down on the carpet as Maharet brought you a cup of cool water, 

"you dance beautifully my lady"

you shook your head, "not so much, I've only started Improving"

Maharet then started thinking, "oh, my lady, you're of age now do you think you'll want to get married"

"I've thought of it sometimes, perhaps yes one day but I'd like to fall In love first before that,"

Maharet smiled, "I knew you'd say that, any particular qualities?"

you looked out the window, a pleasant smile coming to your face "all I want, is a man who will truly love and care for me someone who I mutually love, no matter what storms that life brings we can lean on each other and be each other's fortress"

you soon left the practice room and went back to your bedroom, freshening up for dinner later.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat