31. Late night calls

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"How was work today?" I was surprised he had called me tonight assuming we would just text while he was away. After a day of not hearing his voice though I was happy he had. I know weekends we don't really talk but it felt strange being at work all day and not seeing or talking to him at all.

"Shit. I didn't-" He says my name warning me. "Sorry. Terrible I mean. The new guy didn't even introduce himself and when I took him coffee he told me rudely to put it on his desk. No thank you and didn't even make eye contact with me." I tell him.

"You made him coffee?" He asks.

"Yeah because it would look like I was giving you favours otherwise." I explain. "Anyway I won't anymore. I grumbled as I left how he was ungrateful and it wasn't my job anyway." I fill him in. "So when you do get back I might have to skip a few days to make it look like I'm still spicy about it. Until you do something nice for me too. Give us an excuse."

He laughs though the phone and it sounds so good. It echo's making me wonder out loud where he was.

"A hotel. It's really basic and boring." He sighs.

"I bet I'd make it fun." I flirt.

"Oh yes certainly. I promise Allister next time I will work out how to bring you with me." He swears.

"You don't have to. It's work. It isn't your fault. And you're right anyway my Dad would hate it." I try making him feel less guilty. I wasn't that clingy.

"Why are you so understanding?" He sounds happy.

"Understanding?" I laugh confused.

"My ex hated me going on trips. We would fight the entire time from the second I told him until days after I got back. It was miserable." He explains it making a bit more sense.

"Did you give him reason to not trust you?" I frown worried perhaps his ex knew him better than I did. Could I be mad at him if he slept with somebody while away? Could I be mad if I found out he was having sex at all with anybody at the moment? We weren't dating so he had no commitment to me. We weren't having sex with each other either.

"Never. He was the cheater not me." His frustrated I asked.

"Well that's his reason then. He was doing the dirty and hoped you'd be the same because he was guilty. Not your fault." I knew I was right, had watched enough drama teen rom coms to already know the plot to how that story went. He hums like he doesn't want to admit I'm right. "Well either that Daniel or he was jealous you would never take him along and if so that's childish." I make fun of how he always says I can act like a kid when it was actually his ex that was worse than me. "How often would you go?"

"Only the same as now. Every few weeks something might come up. Sometimes months apart sometimes two trips a month."

"Have you ever played what if?" I change the conversation. If I left us on the topic of him being away like this more often I would start to stress that he would forever be gone and I'd miss him too much while he is. Talking about something else would take my mind from it.

"No?" He sounds unsure.

"Want me to tell you?" I ask cheerfully. He must know by now to just go with the flow when it comes to me never serious for long.

"Sure teach me how to play." He laughs lightly.

"Basically I say something like what if you could stop time and do whatever you wanted to? Then you would answer what you would do."

"Spend all day with you." He flirts again. I can't not smile when his being so smooth. I sometimes have to remind myself of his age as well as what I know his been like in the past with many guys trying to explain away how he can be so good with his words. I hate how cocky and confident he is when I can't even be straight with him and admit I'm crushing on him.

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