The moon don't pick sides, and the sun won't resign until you're by my side

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A/N: After the fall, comes the crash and then the healing. So I left them in a pretty bad spot, huh? This takes place the same night as chapter 13. Manon and Jake have ALOT to talk about but not everything can be solved in a night. Manon finally drops her armor and lets Jake in. It got way fluffier than I intended. Ending in my usual style. Let me know what you think!

This is a romance story with a guaranteed happy ending, they just have a few flaws and issues to work out before they get there. It's long, seriously, each one gets bigger and I can't stop myself, I'm a wordy bitch and I'm not sorry. Song for this chapter is Ya'aburnee by Halsey!

Check the end of the chapter once you've finished, there are more notes there because I can't shut up.

"I'll never knowIf there's danger in confessionOr its memory that pressesLike a blade against my throatAnother word and I could choke

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"I'll never know
If there's danger in confession
Or its memory that presses
Like a blade against my throat
Another word and I could choke

But what's worse?

Telling you my feelings
Or to die without revealing
That you crawled inside my head
And set a fire there instead
Letting all my insecurity
Devour me with certainty

That love is just a currency
So take my pockets, take me whole
Take my life and take my soul
Wrap me in a wedding ring

You know, I swear I'd give you anything"

Ya'aburnee - Halsey


Manon stayed in the bath until her fingers were wrinkled and the water had gone tepid, she'd given up on the wine when she remembered she hadn't eaten anything but toast that day. She felt slightly light-headed but markedly more human after rinsing the day down the drain. She brushed her teeth and threw on her robe, trying not to remember that first night here when Jake had – no, not going there. She picked up her phone and checked her email, her lawyer still hadn't gotten back to her, unusual for Camille but she didn't have the mental strength to deal with it tonight.

When she looked back on her life, she could divide it up into blocks of complete contentedness and then soul-destroying despair and rage. All of them fractured and ripped at the edges, some hastily patched up but they came together to create a tapestry of who she was now, each thread intertwined to create something beautiful but still damaged. Manon tried not to look back, it wasn't where she wanted to go but the weight of the past hung around her neck like a millstone, dragging her down and directing her every decision no matter if she pretended otherwise. She often felt as if there was a bomb inside her head and she wasn't able to disarm it, only listen as it ticked down to her destruction. She knew it only had seconds left on the clock before it detonated and she was frantically cutting wires to prevent it but all she was doing was making it worse, she needed help and that wasn't a weakness. It was a strength and it had taken her too long to realize that.

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