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Hello, everyone. Welcome to What Destiny Awaits, as well as a celebration of me hitting 700 followers. (I don't have it yet, but it is coming soon).

Some of you were around when this book was first published. If not, then this book will be fresh to you. When this book was around, it was celebrate me hitting one year on Wattpad. I know a lot of people seemed to like it at first, but to me, I thought it was crap. It was 100% rushed, and I wanted to do better at it.

The prologue for this book will be released when I hit that 700 mark. As of right now, I'm at 661, and I bet some are going to unfollow me because social media be like that. So if you're interested in what this book has to offer, help me hit that 700 mark. It'll be much appreciated.

I won't spoil anything other that this is another harem book, and the girl on the cover should raise a hint on who should will be in said harem.

That is all I have to say for now. Have a good one. :)

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