Time Running Out

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Aiden POV

Jin: Gio why...?

We stare at Gio as he's levitating there ominously. Then he looks in a specific direction, I turn to where he's looking. Only to see Sieglinde, Amadeus, Yuuri, Garnet, and Nozaki. 

XLR8: What are you--

Then he blasts them, leaving them injured. We look at Gio, including Toa who is now awake. Then, Toa glows and actualizes with Jin. She flies in the air, causing Gio to actualize and chase after them. 

XLR8: What the hell is going on here...

I speed over to the injured and check on each of them, to make sure they're alive. Once I know each of them are alive. I look up at the sky to see the fight between Toa and Gio. Toa is mostly trying to fly away while Gio tries to shoot her down. Until he finally does and they crash down to Earth. I use my super speed to quickly make my over to where they crashed. I find them on a beach and at the same time I arrive, Gio lands in front of me and Jin. 

Jin: Gio! I want some answers. Why are you acting this way? Tell me. I thought you wanted to protect Toa!

XLR8: I don't think yelling is going to do anything, but I agree with that. 

Gio: Trying to save Toa would be futile. 

Jin: What do you mean? 

Gio: Toa's life will be coming to an end very soon. 

Jin, understandably shocked by this, goes silent after hearing it. 

Jin: Wait. She's dying? Is that what you're telling me? 

Gio: If you want to know more. Ask Aiden, and Machina.  

He immediately looks at me, and I look at him. Our face off is interrupted by Toa waking up. 

Jin: Toa!

Gio: Time to go. You need to come with me, Toa. 

Toa: But, Gio. 

Gio: We should leave immediately. 

Jin tries to go stop Gio by standing in his way. 

Jin: Hold on! She's not going anywhere! 

But, he only gets backhanded by Gio. But, since he's stubborn, he tackles him and starts hitting him repeatedly. While yelling at him that he swore to protect Toa, and that he will not let her be taken away by him. But his efforts were all in vain as he's hit back, Gio summoning his sword, and preparing to strike him. 

XLR8: Crap. 

My face plate goes down and I prepare to speed him out of there. But, Toa interferes and tries to get him to stop. 

Toa: Don't do it! Just stop... Please spare his life... 

Gio: Toa, I am the only one who can save you. Your life does not have to end so soon. As the successor to Thanatos I now have the power to save you. 

Both of them gasp at what he says, but I just stand there. Not really reacting to any of it. 

Jin: What are you talking about Gio? We promised. That we would all live together. And work as a team to protect Toa. What happened to that? 

Gio: There is no longer a place for me in that dream. 

A moment of suspense was broken by an explosion that blows some water on us. 

Jin: What the..?!

XLR8: I'm starting to see a pattern!

We look up to see the same little midget I saw in Tartarus, the Raum.

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