Saving The One Who Got Away

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Aiden POV

Jetray: Why can't things ever be easy...

As we are getting close to Mars, Gillard Army ships began engaging us. I fired my neuroshock blasts at the ships but they were useless against them. So I changed tactics and use my superior speed to confuse them. So that Machina and Gio destroy them. 

Jetray: This sucks... My neuroshock blasts can't affect inorganic things...

More ships come, Gio and Machina start to destroy them, I also destroy a few on my own, by using Jetray's strength, to push them into crashing into each other. But there's only so much I can do when my long range attacks can't do anything. 

After destroying another wave of ships, we head to Mars, which looks like we're home free from here. 

Jetray: This feels like a stinking trap. Then again, I don't much care.

We enter Mars' atmosphere, only to have giant guns being shot at us. 

Jetray: I knew it!

Since my Neuroshock blasts won't do much at all here. I out maneuver and out speed the guns' missiles, as Machina and Gio destroy them. Then we see those Gillard Army Dragons running towards us. Since they're organic, I fire my Neuroshock blasts at them, and actually damage them. Which distracts them long enough for Gio to destroy one with his "dragon horn" and the other being destroyed by Machina's ice crystals. 

When that's done, we fly towards some domed castle. Until a bunch of Gillard Dragons drop from the sky. I go to help out Akira and Machina but Machian roars at me. 

Jetray: Huh?

She roars at me again and looks past me at Gio. I start to get the hint. 

Jetray: Don't die on me now! 

I fly and catch up to Gio and Jin towards the domed castle. Gio manages to break through the dome and I follow him. Instead of looking for an entrance, we make one as Gio crashes through the castle, and I follow. I press the Ultimatrix to turn back to let it recharge. And I run with them. Jin then yells out to nobody, trying to sense Toa. 

Jin: Toa I need your help now! You gotta tell me where you are! 

Aiden: Jin that isn't helping! 

As we run through the hallways of this place, a door closes behind us. Then, some red glowing things shoot into Gio, then some kind of field is shot at him from above as he screams in pain. 

Jin: CSS. Gio! 

Aiden: Crap! 

Then we hear some guy laughing evily over the speakers of the Castle. 

Asim: Well hello there, and welcome to my Castle. 

A hologram displaying himself is projected in front of us.

Asim: My name is Asim. I'm the one in charge around here. 

Jin: Where is Toa!

Asim: The captive princess is at the tippy-top of the tower. If you want her back you have no choice but to come up here and get her. I sincerely hope you make it in one piece. 

As we hear Asim laugh evily again, we then hear another door open. We look to see girls with swords and in Gillard Army uniforms. 

Aiden: Double crap! 

I then turn the ring on my watch and transform to even the odds. Once one of them takes a swing at me, they miss, because I'm short. 


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