The Fourth OG

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Aiden POV

I made a choice, so I turned called Akira back, asked her where to meet, turned into Jetray, and start making my way over.

I made a choice, so I turned called Akira back, asked her where to meet, turned into Jetray, and start making my way over

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Jetray: Looks like Olympian-Dragon hell is gonna have to wait. 

Once I get to the Island, I start hearing a voice over the speakers in the city. 

ISDA: This is ISDA Security. An evacuation order has been issued for the entire island. Please Proceed to the nearest evacuation center with your resident ID. After processing, you will be allowed to board your designated ship or aircraft. 

Jetray: Huh. Looks like this new Dragon must be pretty dangerous. The Dragonauts oughta be around too. Gotta be sneaky. 

I fly into the city and start looking for Akira and the others. 

Jetray: Tallest building under construction... There! 

I fly to the building that's under construction, and I see Akira waving to me. Once I land, I hit the Ultimatrix symbol, and change back.

Akira: Where were you?

Aiden: Tartarus. Long story. What's going on?

Akira: Well. Some new Dragon appeared and it caused the ISDA to evacuate the island. Jin over there is trying to sense Toa. 

Aiden: Right.

Akira: So. Did you find what you were looking for? 

Aiden: The only thing I managed to find before you called me, was a bone yard. 

Akira: Oh. Wonderful.

Aiden: Mmmhm.

Jin: Nothing. I don't hear anything. It's like my sense of Toa has disappeared. 

We both then turn to Jin, after his attempt to sense Toa failed.

Akira: So then, she's gone someplace else for a little while? 

Jin: I don't know. 

Aiden: Great... 

Akira: Listen--

Jin: I'm sure that Toa is trying to accomplish something. And it must be important. I just don't know what it is. Did she tell you anything, Aiden? 

Aiden: Nope. 

Akira: First, she lets herself get caught. And then turns around and runs off somewhere else. It doesn't make much sense does it?

Jin: I don't know anything about Toa. She never told me about herself. I'll find her, that's the only way I'll ever know.

Aiden: You find her because you're lonely or just want to get to know her more? Now, I'm no relationship expert but, you can't force her to tell you anything. Especially if she doesn't want to tell you.

Dragons And Aliens (Ultimatrix wearer x Dragonaut: The Resonance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu