The Guilty Girl Runs

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Aiden POV

After we dropped Sieglinde off, we hid somewhere in the city. All of us sitting with our backs to the wall, thinking about our next move. But, Gio decides to say a very good point. 

Gio: What are you going to do now? No matter where you go, you will be followed. The way things have been going you'll likely get captured. 

Aiden: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with him. 

Instead of listening to what Gio said, he instead says something. That lies under the category of annoying responses.

Jin: I'm going back to Earth with Toa. We'll run far away to some small town way out in the country. That way no one'll be able to find us. I want you to come with me, Toa. Please. 

She looks at him for a moment, but the answer she's giving isn't, in my eyes, very truthful. 

Toa: Okay.

Gio then goes for a walk, and Jin goes after him. Leaving only me and Toa. We sit there in silence, so I decide to look at Toa, who is looking down at the ground with a sad look on her face. 

Aiden: Toa, every time you have that look, it's never good. 

Toa: I keep saying that everything will be okay... But... I can't stay for long. 

Aiden: First you come to save him from some monster. You then tell him to meet you at some lighthouse, lay on the grass together, and flee together. Then you run away to the Moon. We go after you because of Jin, you avoid being found, but then you decide to go with him, and you couldn't wait to. And now, here you are saying that you're going to run away again. That's many inconsistencies, for someone who has taken a liking to him. 

Toa: Well... There's just something important I have to do. I also can't look at him with him reminding me of...

Aiden: Of that time you crashed into the shuttle those years back?

She then looks at me in shock, and with a tear threatening to come out of one of her eyes. 

Toa: How did you..?

Aiden: I was on that shuttle too. That time in that under construction building wasn't the first time we met. 

Toa: But I was sure no one else had survived but him!

Aiden: I did. I used Big Chill. And I watched you save Jin's life. You wouldn't notice as his species can go invisible and intangible. 

We sit there in silence, until I ask a question that's been on my mind. 

Aiden: Toa. Why do you love him? You never said why. 

Toa: I guess. I felt guilty for having killed his family... So I decided to be the one person in his life that would bring him happiness...

Aiden: That sounds like pity. 

She brings her legs to her chest, knowing that I am right.

Aiden: Look. I'm not going to question why you love him. For all I know it could've been love at first sight. But in a relationship, couples share with each other. And from where I'm standing, you haven't shared anything. And plus, you're leading him on while knowing you have to go again. You have to get it together. I know I may not seem, well, smart at times. But I do have eyes, and I use them. 

Then Gio and Jin come back. 

Gio: We better get some rest, and leave in the morning. 

Aiden: Right. 

I take off my second jacket, lay down and use it as a blanket, while also pulling the hood of my first jacket over my eyes. I try to get comfortable, and sleep. 

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