Never Truly Alone

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Aiden POV

Still transformed into Heatblast, I stop, then look back down to see the Fourth OG fighting another Dragon. But I don't see the Dragonauts. 

Heatblast: Ah screw it. Sorry Jin, Gio, but I gotta go!

I then blast off towards the city, and dive towards it. The OG Dragon is too busy with another Dragon to notice me pass by, when I make it to the ground, I make a landing. 

Heatblast: Jeez this place is wrecked.

I take apart a piece of the ground and use it as a "hover board" to get around without making that much noise.

I take apart a piece of the ground and use it as a "hover board" to get around without making that much noise

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 I then spot the Dragonauts. Some are okay, some are less okay, but all of them are alive. I get off the rock I was flying on, and walk near them. On the way there, I see the Doc, without her lab coat. 

Heatblast: Man. She looks, "Hot". Heh. 

As I walk over, I press the Ultimatrix and turn back. Doc Kitajima heard me turning back so we look at each other.

Aiden: Hello again, Doc. 

Yuuri: It's you. 

Aiden: Yeah. It's me. We can talk later.

We then walk over to the Dragonauts. 

Sieglinde: Who's the other Dragon? Isn't Ostrum enough to deal with already? 

Aiden: Is that what you're calling that hot head now?

They all turn to me and Yuuri. 

Akira: Aiden! 

Aiden: Not to be rude, and I mean this in the nicest way possible. You all look like crap. 

Sieglinde: Hey!

I then look at Yuuri, who is looking at me. 

Aiden: Sorry did you want to say something? 

Yuuri: That, is the Atrum. The third original Dragon I've been searching for. 

Akira: No way. That's the Atrum?

Amadeus: May I interpret what you're saying to mean the third and fourth Originals are fighting each other above us? 

Raina: But why did they come from the base?

Yuuri: Because... The Atrum... Is really Nozaki.

Everyone is shocked by this revelation while I don't know this Nozaki person at all. The fact he managed to blend in within the ISDA is very impressive.

Aiden: The old looking guy in the red? How did you not notice it before?

Yuuri: I don't know. 

Aiden: Great. 

Then we hear the impact of something near us. So I run over to see what it is, Yuuri follows behind me. We make it to see Nozaki and what I think is the Ostrum in human form. 

Dragons And Aliens (Ultimatrix wearer x Dragonaut: The Resonance)Where stories live. Discover now