Chapter 14 ~ Hanging Out

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I woke up deadly exhausted. It was hard to get myself out of bed and I had a bad headache from yesterday. I got up and took a long shower, to freshen up. When I was drying myself off, I looked at the mirror and saw big panda eyes. I dressed up, blow dried my hair and put on some make-up to cover up the black dark circles around my eyes. Max and Charles would fly off to Italy today, so I had to drive them to the airport, as Arthur had plans. I walked down the stairs when I saw that Max and Charles had already left. They didn't even say goodbye. So I decided to text Léo if he could hang out.

Good morning drunky, how are you doing?

Hey, it could be better. What's up?

Did you have fun yesterday? Anyway, any plans for today? Can we meet?

Yeah, I did actually. My friends are never going to believe me when I say I hang out with them. Sure, let's meet, you now know where I live right? Meet me there at 11?

Sure, see you then!

I walked over to the kitchen to cut some fruits for breakfast. Arthur came stumbling down the stairs. Carla would pick him up at 2, so he still had some time to get rid of his hangover. I sat at the dinner table and started eating fruits, when I got a disgusting look from Arthur.

"How can you possibly think about food? Even looking at food makes me want to throw up".

'Well, you just drank too much yesterday and I didn't'. I actually started doubting myself if I should still eat my breakfast, but I decided to just do it.

"I heard from Léo you threw up, so you drank too much too".

'Oh shut up!' He started giggling.

I cut some more fruits for Arthur, together with a bottle of water and aspirin. I walked upstairs to grab a small bag and searched for it, but I couldn't find the one from yesterday. It had my wallet, with all my cards. I looked for it all over the house, but still couldn't find it, so I decided to leave it for now.

'I'm going away, take care Arthur'.

"Where are you going? On another date?"

'Funny, see you later' I took my car keys and walked out of the front door. Arthur and I would be flying Friday afternoon, so we still had two more days. I started the car and drove to the address of Léo's house. A short 10 minutes later I arrived. I parked my car in their driveway and walked over the door. I rang the doorbell and Wyatt opened it.

"Hey Lisa, Léo will come down in a minute, please wait in the living room". I didn't look at him once, even while waiting. In a few minutes Léo came down and we were about to leave, when Wyatt grabbed my arm again.

'Wasn't I clear yesterday? Let go!' He let go immediately.

"You're bag, I wasn't trying to scare you yesterday, I'm sorry". I was even scared to look in his eyes after the big mistake I made.

'Thanks... I'm sorry too, I misjudged you too early. You know, it's just my past, but that doesn't make it okay'.

"No, don't worry about it, it's fine, I completely understand. Go have fun, you two. Léo don't come home too late, it's your turn for dinner tonight".

Léo and I looked at each other and we burst into laughter. We ran to the car and I started driving to a special place.

It was a place on the top of the hill next to Monaco, a place where we came a lot when we were younger. It has a special meaning for us. We bought some coffee, a sandwich and some fruits on the way there. After around 25 minutes we arrived and it was as beautiful as ever. I sat down at the bench and looked down at Monaco.


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Moments later Léo sat down next to me and we started reminiscing about our childhood. I felt good to bring those memories back, even though it was a long time ago and the me from then doesn't exist anymore. We drank the coffee and I took some fruits, while he ate his sandwich.

"You know Lisa, I'm glad I bumped into you. It feels good to be around you again" He said.

'I'm also glad about it, I enjoy your company like old days'. I told him. He gave a smile, so I hugged him back.

We talked for a long time, until it was already sunset. The view of the sunset from the place we're at, is breathtaking. I used to run together with my brothers and Jules here, but after he passed away we stopped. I came here often after to remember him and I always took Léo with me. As it began to get dark, we decided to leave. I brought Léo home so that he was still on time for the dinner he had to make and I drove past the starbucks to get an iced coffee. Arthur was out on a date with Carla, so when I came home, I was all by myself. I warmed up the leftovers from yesterday and went upstairs to F1 on the playstation. We have this cool simulator in our training room, so I always use it when I'm stressed or alone.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 9 p.m, so I decided to go downstairs to watch a movie. I plopped on the couch and took my phone out of my pocket. I opened tiktok and scrolled through until I saw a video of Lando. It was a video of him with an international showjumper and kissed her on the cheek. She had a trophy in her hand and seemed to be named Flo. I threw my phone aside and started watching the movie I picked. A little before the end of the movie, I fell asleep, but soon after I got woken up. Arthur had come home from his date. I switched off the TV, said goodbye to Arthur and went upstairs to go to bed.

The next morning I left the house at 10 a.m. to go to Léo's house again. Léo, I and Wyatt would go to Quay Jean Charles Rey, a beautiful place near the water to grab a drink and some food. Before going there, we went karting and it was super fun. Of Course I won, Occasionally came some close to my lap times, but not too much. I loved spending the day with the guys. After the karting and our lunch, we went shopping. The boys needed some new clothes, and I can always use something. As a girl you can never have enough clothes.

Later on, I decided to go home, because Arthur and I would fly to Italy the next day. I said goodbye and took off.


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I packed all the stuff and clothes I needed, when I came home and told Arthur he had to gather his stuff too. The plane would take off at 10 a.m, so we had to be there at 8 a.m. When we were done, I made us some dinner and we watched a movie together. We went to sleep soon after and the next morning we flew to Italy. 


Hi everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the story. As some may have already seen, I have updated some of the chapters with Instagram photos to make it look nicer and it makes the story clearer. 

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