chapter 7

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Three months was all it took for me to finally decide to resign and work where I really belong.

With my brother as vice chairperson of I.S.G company, I didn't have to rush into anything. He met up with the Randcom bosses and they agreed to invest in us.

I didn't have to explain myself to them because I made myself clear that I was only here for experience.

With final assurance from Sergio, I told him that I had a meeting with Leandro.

"I didn't know you'd actually date him." He said bitterly. I know that he doesn't like Leandro but the fact that I have a date for the first time in my life, he seemed to not focus on who was having a date with me.

"You know me, Sergio. If it's a meeting then it's a meeting." I told him sternly.

He clearly didn't seem convinced but he shrugged it off before leaving as he chuckled. I knew exactly what he was thinking but I knew better than to let my guard down, so I drove to our little 'date'.

"So, Sergio is the one you didn't want to tell me about." He got straight to the point. I shrugged. "So, are you going to resign now?"

"I like that you are straight forward. And you are right."

"But why? And that girl Kathryn, why would you allow her to work for him."

"Why do you care?" I don't like people who question my choices and he knows that. We've been close workmates for months now and I am very sure that he sees it. "Did she sign any papers for assurance that she will work for you?"

Do all people talk about this on dates? I've never been to one but I'm sure this is way out of what we are supposed to be talking about tonight.

When his eyes gave away an emotion that I didn't read perfectly, I knew for sure that he didn't want to talk about it.

We ordered, and they served in ten minutes, as I looked at the man seated across from me. He was quite eye catching because I could see the ladies around looking at him seductively. Not that I mind but it's rude to stare at someone. Who hasn't seen a grey Armani suit before?

What are you doing then, Bella?

My conscience mocked me, but I rolled my eyes mentally at it and I continued eating my snack.

I told him to be there at Randcom because I had to meet up with David Manchoza to personally announce my resignation.

"You seem to be in a not very bad mood today and so I will take this opportunity to say something that I have wanted to say since long." I continued eating as I looked at him.

He seemed nervous and not like the over confident Leandro Manchoza I knew.

Whatever he was about to say seemed serious and trying real hard to hide the nervousness, he sipped on his drink and looked at me. 

"What if I told you that.......," He looked into my eyes as I ate. I was curious to know what he wanted to say. ".......I have fallen in love with you." I almost choked on my snack.

What the actual fuck was wrong with him?

He gave me water as I continued coughing. When I finally got a grip on my loss of control, he sat back. "Good to know you can choke on your food after hearing someone's hearty confession."

Is he serious right now? How dare he get sarcastic with me right now?

"I thought you would be smarter than that, Leandro." I snap angrily. And yes, we call each other by our first names after persuading me for two months, "Don't you ever say such ridiculous things to my face. We are friends and it stays that way." I didn't care when I saw pain in his eyes after I said that because he was going off as a pathetic person.

Taming A Cold HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang