chapter 1

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I tried closing my eyes at four o'clock in the morning and like every other time, I saw flashbacks of their death.

And I just stopped trying to get any sleep. I looked at my brother and he was sleeping peacefully. I hope nothing ever disturbs his peace because God knows I will snap.

An hour later, I started preparing for work and by six, I had packed breakfast and lunch for both of my brother and I.

I drove to work and arrived earlier than everyone else. Unbelievable, right? Wrong.

I'm the earliest person in this high ranking company. Lazy asses.

I sat in my office feeling so exhausted from all the work. I knew that I needed to take another cup of coffee. I called my secretary, "Hey Laura, cup of coffee."

She brought it after two minutes, just how I like it.

"Here you go, Ms. Bella."
I took a sip and returned to my work, "We have a meeting immediately after lunch." She said.

I just hummed in response. When she didn't move, I looked at her.

"Oh, excuse me." She started walking to the door and I returned to my work before I heard her complaining about how rude I was. I just shrugged it off. Who cares? I don't.

The meeting was going on smoothly until I spotted a mischievous smile on the soon to be partner of our company. Not that I gave a fuck about their intentions, but this place is where I work and I'm very much cautious about everything here.

"This merger with the Great life enterprises is more about..........." the president was saying but stopped, looking at my curious expression, "Ms Gucherez, do you have anything to say?"

Everyone was surprised because the old guy never asked for anyone's opinion. But to ask me?

That only meant that he was having second thoughts and I had to admit, I was too. So, it was an either now or never for everyone.

"I studied the work of their company sir and I would like to disagree with the merger." There were some whispers here and there but I carried on, "According to the information they submitted, they didn't mention a pending case against them. That would prove dangerous for our legacy."

There was silence before the president cleared his throat," decision is..."

I don't want to be so rude right now but if this old man agrees to the merger, I'm quitting.

I looked at our future partner, well not yet but.....that's not the point, anyway, he was seriously throwing daggers at me. I kept on my face emotionless as I looked at him.

" merger."

Wait. Did he turn down his traitorous best friend?

Before I could put together everything, the others left the meeting room and I was all alone. I went to my office and continued working till a knock on the door disrupted my concentration. I continued with my work waiting for Laura to tell me what was going on when someone burst in through the door.

"Can't you at least be polite enough to say come in?" The intruder asked harshly.

I looked up and leaned on my seat carefully. I narrowed my eyes at him trying to remember where I have seen him before, until he spoke.

"Who do you think you are to deny the merger?" So he's here to pick a fight.

I kept my face as emotionless, "Whoever you are Sir, I have a lot of work right now. Maybe check with my secretary if I have any free time for your appointment." And with that, I returned to my work.

"You don't know me, do you?"

I ignored him and continued working. I pressed the emergency button on my desk. The intruder's eyes widened.

"I will destroy you, young lady. You better know your place. You act like the boss around here, don't you? I.......," He was cut off by security guards entering the office. I gestured for them to take him away, "This is not over, bitch."

Oops! There it was. One of my favorite names.


I went to the president's office after he sent the third person to call me, "Good afternoon, sir."

"Ms Gucherez, I need you to assign someone to pick my son up from the airport." I wanted to argue but that wasn't something I did, so I nodded and headed out," my secretary will send his details." I heard him say before I disappeared out of the office.


My name is Isabella Gucherez. I'm the deputy vice president of Randcom international. It's one of the best architectural firms in the country.

Not that there is a lot to learn about me, so let's move on. I'm 27 years old. I've been working for the last 5 years in the company and I must say I'm familiar with my job.

Working under someone else is just to add to my experience and God knows I'm a deputy who doesn't know her closest boss, the vice president. I don't even remember his name. I have never seen him at all and I'm not complaining because I don't need to know him at all. I'm independent and selfish I must say.

Apart from my brother, I've only let Laura be close to me. Sometimes though, I fail to understand why I did that.

There's just something about her that screams calmness during a storm. Yes, during a storm. That's why she's the longest secretary as others always quit after a week or two. That and she is so good at her job that the interior designing department is the best department in the whole company.

She also has me as the boss.


I know.

I don't really know much about myself, but in summary, I'm very professional at work, or at least that's what I think.

I was driving to the airport because yesterday when I called Simon, my almost driver, to pick up the president's son, he got an emergency and I fired him. I did and now, I'm doing the job myself. You can never trust other people with your work. That's why I do it myself all the time.

I pulled up and waited for the person, impatient as I can get, I went on higher ground and scanned the people in the place and the one I assumed looked familiar, I went to him.

"Mr Manchoza." I announced confidently. When he turned around, he 'checked me out seriously'. I hated perverts and feeling my anger surfacing, I turned around and led the way.

I hate it when I meet people who are way taller than me. It's like they could see the whole of you and for some reason, I felt that his eyes were piercing holes in my whole body.

He's going to be a problem. I sighed.

The journey to Mr Manchoza's house was quiet...... well, until he cleared his throat thrice. I ignored him.

"Are you my father's body guard," he asked. When I didn't reply, he added in a whisper, "Do you know how pretty you are?"

What the hell?

"I mean.. you probably know that already. I just really think you are..." My phone rang and he kept quiet. Good.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior. I hope we all agree that he is a weird human. Thank you.

I like change. Not this though.

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