chapter 6

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He's asking about Leandro.

"Is he your boyfriend?" They both gasped and I really consider giving them a piece of mind. "He is so handsome." Who created kids? I should talk to him seriously.

"Who told you that he's my boyfriend?" I narrowed my eyes at them, "He is my boss." I can't believe I'm explaining myself to these little shits. Ugh.

"And a friend. A very close friend."

Please God. Let it not be the pervert.

Before I could say anything to him, he jumped in front of me. "What? You didn't expect me?" He smiled at the kids and turned to me. "Or you think I might be stalking you."

"Well, are you?." I challenged him.

"So you are friends." Benjie said and they crossed their little arms on their chest.

"Yes, but we could be whatever you want us to be." The little ones looked at him and then at me before looking at each other.

"I think they are in love." Hailey told her brother. "Just like Sergio and I." I face palmed.

"Benjie, Hailey, go and find Sergio. We are leaving." I said, slightly annoyed and they hurried away.

"Is it true?"

"What?" I look everywhere else but at him, not wanting him to see the frustrated look on my face.

"That we are in love." I glared at him. Was he being serious right now.

"They are kids, Mr Manchoza." There is silence for sometime.

"By the way, your knowledge worked, but Joan is so heart broken." I hope he doesn't regret his decision. I hate it when people blame me for their bad endings, "I hope you won't let me regret this." Is he a mind reader?

Wait, was he blaming me right now?

"I will now have time to visit friends since I am on a love break." He ignored my glare and I considered what he said.

What a time waster he is!

"Just make sure it doesn't affect business." I said simply.

"Is that all you ever care about?"

"Of course." I gave him a 'duh' look and he tried to say something but was cut off by Kathryn. I didn't wait for their little conversation as I walked away to start my mission.

But of course I didn't get far before Leandro got me again, "I'm starting to believe that you are stalking me." He chuckled before forcing me to dance with him.

Mission impossible for now.


I got to meet the president's other son. He was the one I almost ran over just outside the company building. He was so talkative but I was glad he didn't invade my privacy nor did he speak irrelevant words unlike his elder brother.

We were sent on a business trip with Leandro. Mr Manchoza first debated on whether I should work with Leandro or Fernando, but the latter decided to work alone before he realized that I will have to work with his brother for days away. He fought about it but realized that things were serious, so he let it go.
The trip was going well until the car broke down and we were stuck here since three hours ago. 

Someone helped us but of course, my "boss" acted like a boyfriend and people actually mistook us for a newly wedded couple eloping. I had to play along and now, here we are in 'our' room after dinner.

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