chapter 4

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I would say more to describe the only woman who ever made me want to beg for a chance. I've spent the last two hours looking for any information about her on any social media platforms, but none.

Even in the company employees' data, she wasn't included. There's something about her that gets me smitten by her. My father joined me and he obviously warned me about her.

However he told me something. "Son, Bella is a very determined lady who sticks to her principles and is devoted to her work. Other than that, it's her family. She has only a brother. That's all there is to know about her." Even after explaining that I liked her a lot, he still warned me.

Sunday has always been a free day for me to sleep till late and then go for a walk, but because of Isabella, I had to be working.

"Why would you work on a weekend, Rusho." My mom asks. "David, why....." I cut her off before she started a fight with dad.

"Mom please. It's not dad's doing. We planned this with my deputy." Sounds good. 'My deputy'.

Mom quarrels about  'my deputy' and something about me having returned a few days ago.

"I have to go." I was so eager to see her that the next question disgusted me to the bone

"Did you and Joan talk?"

"She and I have nothing to talk about." I don't want to be rude to my mom, but it's like she doesn't care what goes on with me.

"And the wedding?" She says, "I thought......"

"Wait a minute Mom. I already told you that it will never happen. Excuse me." I practically ran out of the house.

Of course Isabella Gucherez was not yet there. I walked around for a few minutes before she arrived.

"You're late Ms Gucherez." I said, very proud of myself. Good job to me. She looks at her watch. I also look at my watch.

The pride I felt a while ago vanished the moment I realized that she was fifteen minutes early. That explains why mom was so worried. Isabella must be laughing at me and I must say, doing a great job at hiding it.

"Shall we?" She ignored my embarrassment and I was quite relieved.

"Good morning to you too. Let's begin." I will make sure that by the end of today, she speaks to me freely. I have discovered my dream today. Her smile, her voice and love.

Did I just say love?

Yes, love. She's actually wearing casual clothes and very white sneakers. Hot. I'm starting to doubt whether she studied architecture or rather fashion. She's a different person at the office with the office wear, and a whole different person outside. I'm debating on which one I like the most.

"Are you listening?" She asked and I realized that I had not been paying attention. "I was saying that the plan we made for the interior is good, but we can do some few changes in the kitchen."

"Perfect. I mean... sure. Why not?" I try to be as serious as I can. We discussed the outlook of our work, the paint to be used where, the floor and we head to the rooftop. We continued taking notes until it started raining.

"Looks like a bad day unfortunately." She said under her breath.

"Why? Rain has always been a blessing and it comes with success." I said enthusiastically.

"I disagree with you." Again, she said softly looking at the sky worriedly.

"Do you have bad experience with rain?" I asked her. "Let's have some fun before we leave."

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